I guess this an Intro...or a long A/N

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  • Dedicated to To All those fangirls and fanboys out there

Hello earthlings!

First, thank you! Secondly, this is kind of a song fanfic (i think they are called that). It's to the song L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole. Each chapter is a different verse; however, I'm just using the part where he spells out what LOVE stands for. I might do a little more, but I'm unsure yet. My crystal ball is a little fogging right now.

Sadly, I'm writing this right now and I have no idea who the pairing is going to be. Oops. Guess that's kind of important. By the time the world has seen this, I will have chosen.

It's 'kay if you don't like the pairing, then don't read or at least don't hate.

Okay? Okay. (I did that on purpose, so those John Green fans will feel a twinge of sadness. HAHAHA. I'm a bigger troll than Uncle Rick aka Rick Riordan)

Sorry about that. My evil alter ego took over. I better stop, things are getting weird and random.

And believe me to be, my dear fellow,

Very sincerely yours,



PS. Virtual cookies to anyone who knows which character signed a very important note with the same ending.

Doctor x Rose: L-O-V-EWhere stories live. Discover now