Chapter 3: Very, Very...

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A/N: Real quick. So thanks everyone (if you are even out there) and just so you know, the Doctor's telepathic speaking are italics. Rose's are bold and italics. Took two times to write this and get it right. Hopefully, it's okay. And not too fluff. (If that's even possible)

I realize the photo isn't of Rose, but we can use our imagination. *hands make a rainbow gesture*

V is for very, very extraordinary

Rose had been feeling distant from the Doctor. He kept running into people, creatures, and things from his past and Rose didn't know about any of them. She knew that he had many lives before her. Many companions. It's for the best. Don't grow attached. You'll leave him one day. He'll leave you. Who was she kidding? Don't grow attached? She wasn't attached, she was in love.

"Tell me about your past." She requested one day. "What is there to know? Better yet, what do want to know?" She shrugged. "Nothing in particular. Just curious." She made up an excuse,a half life. She was curious, but that wasn't the real reason.

The Doctor didn't accept that excuse. Now, he was curious. She had a motive. Turning her around so she faced him, he questioned. "I don't believe that. Why do want to know? Tell me and I will tell you about my past. Though there is a lot of it." Silence.

"That's it. Isn't it? I have a huge past. Ten different faces and you feel insignificant. Like you don't really know me?" She shook her head yes, unable to speak. "Oh, Rose. You know me better than almost anyone else."

"I know, but I want to know you better. To really experience your life." She managed to choke out. He took her hand and kissed it, "I want you to experience that." Smiling she replied, "Well, I think that's impossible. Just be open about your past and I will be content. I'm content with you."


"Stop making that face." Rose commanded. "What face?" "The I-have-been-thinking-and-now-have-a-brilliant-idea face."

"I have a face like that? Nevermind. I do have an idea. Maybe there is a way for you, experience my life." "Really? That would be...great. If you are willing to be with me." "I am. I want you to know everything. You should be warned, it could be overwhelmIng. In memory and in emotion."

"I've looked into the heart of the TARDIS." Rose countered. "Okay, then. Let's begin." He rubbed his hands together and placed them on Rose's temples. She took a deep breath and gave the him a little nod. Closing his eyes, he made contacted with Rose's mind. A little gasp escaped her and the Doctor smirked. "Just close your eyes and relax. You can feel my presence. It will become natural soon. Focus on me and on reaching out to me. Now, the next time I speak, it will be in your mind."

Rose, you there? Nothing. Just think and then imagine giving your thought to me. In a letter. Email. However, you want to visual it.

Hello, Doctor. If either of their eyes would have been open, they would have seen a smile spread across both faces.

Think about my mind as a hallway. Just open my door. One door. That contains everything, my whole life. Then he felt it. Felt her. He too let a small gasp escape. He couldn't help it; it had been a long time since someone probed his mind. Even longer for a human. Rose's presence felt foriegn and similar at the same time. The Doctor felt her smugness at making him gasp.

Please, I make you do that all night. You better stop, warned Rose. You don't want to see my mind when I'm aroused. The Doctor swallowed. This was getting off topic. Focus. And open the door.

And she did.

Memories and visions flooded her. The Doctor, white-haired and old, traveling with his granddaugther and her two teachers. The Doctor with extremely curly hair and a silly scarft and hat. And an even siller grin while he went around offering jelly babies to everyone. A Doctor wearing a celery. The Doctor dressed up in an old fashioned suit. Then, the Doctor she first met. Their eyes opened at once.

"Wow." breathed Rose. The Doctor fidgted nervously, "What did you think?" "Wow." She was breathing harder and looked shocked. She looked indecent and the Doctor liked that. "Please, expand." "It was...amazing. Great. Words cannot describe it. Thank you. For being trusting me. For everything." "Still love me after all that?"

"Even more, if that's possible." The Doctor let out a smile, relieved. "It blows my mind, that after all that you can think of yourself as anything less. You are truly, wonderful. Unique. You would have to be stupid, not to see that." "You calling me stupid?" The Doctor challenged. "Never." He ran his eyes over Rose. Not checking her out, though she was beautiful. He was summing her up.

"Rose, I owe you a thanks. I don't know what I would do without you. I was broken, so broken, until I met you. You have done so much. Only you could do this."

"Only me? How can you make me sound so important, so special. I'm normal. Ordinary. Especially compared to you." She wasn't challenging him. Just marvelling at how he could hold her in such praise.

"You ordinary? Never. All my compains are special. Special to everyone, including me." "That might be, but I'm normal compared to you. To all the things you've done. To all the people you saved. All the saved planets. You are a hero and I've never done anything heroic."

Shaking his head softly, "No, no. You couldn't be farther from the truth. I've killed and I've saved. You have never killed. You're the purer, better verison of me. You bring out the good. And those worlds, the planets, the people: you saved them. I couldn't have done that without you. You saved me. I owe you my life and so do all those people."

Rose had begun to cry softly. No one had every said anything nicer or more sinecre. The Doctor wiped the tries for her eyes, letting his fingers rest on her lips. She parted her lips and the Doctor took his as an invitation. Closing the distant and tilting her head up, he kissed her soft and lovingly.

His lips moved to her neck, planting quick kisses up to her ear. Lips brushing her ear, he whsipered, "You are not oridanary. You are very, very extraordinary."

As always please comment. I think everyone lives for those and if you have a story or anything, tell me out about it and I'll return the favor!

LLAP! (wrong fandom!)

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