Chapter 4: E is for the End

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  • Dedicated to Everyone

A/N: This the end! Thanks everyone. I apologize for all my grammar mistakes. Lots of love.

E is for even more than anyone you adore can

The sky was black, stars twinkling, the moon shining...a romantic evening in Paris. A dream for any couple, for any lovers. But, it could have been in a barn or in a galaxy far, far away and he would have been just as happy. Because the girl sharing this romantic dinner, sitting across from him was none other than Rose Tyler.

She was wearing a peach dress, short but still classy, with lace that made little sleeves. The near the top, the under material stop so it was just lace at the top. Her hair was curled into loose ringlets and she had put a black rose clip in it. She had expertly implied her makeup, not a lot, and give herself wings with her eyeliner. The dress had a simple, almost quaint and old fashioned look, but her makeup and personality showed that she clearly wasn't from the past. The perfect mix of old and new; something the Doctor could appreciate. She looked stunning, breathtaking, beautiful...the Doctor could go on forever.

"Maybe you could stop staring and tell me why we are here?" Rose said, playfully. "I wasn't staring," The Doctor stopped when Rose gave me a look with her eyebrow raised. "Okay, so I was. Can't I look at my girl?" "Still haven't answered question." The Doctor let out an exasperated sigh, he was sort of hoping she had forgotten about that. "No particular reason. I thought we should see some of Earth too. Don't want you getting homesick."

"Homesick? When I am with you that is home. Gosh, that sounded cheesy. Besides, I live with you. I know you don't do something for 'no particular reason'." "You don't give up easily." "Never." she challenged. But before she could press for an answer, a real answer, the food came out. And damn, it smelled so good. Heavenly.

"Rose, darling, I think you are drooling over the food." She punched him softly. "You better stop it." she warned in a quiet growl. "Or what?" "Or I will eat all of your food too." As she said this, she reached across the table and took some of this food. "Hey," and slapping her hand gently, "I thought you were on a diet." She narrowed her eyes and just as quickly replied with her own quip, "I shouldn't take your food. Don't want you becoming any skinny than you are. If you do, you'll blow away in the wind like paper."

The evening passed like this. Complimenting the food, joking, and the Doctor telling stories about this life and Rose often laughing. Always smiling. Sometimes, she talk about her life although it seemed plain and boring, but the Doctor listened just as intently.

"I can't believe we are simply having...a night out. No aliens, no monsters, no world threating crisis. I keep expecting a Dalek to jump out or a waiter to be a cyberman." Rose confessed. "It's a night for the two of us. I don't need an adventure. I have you. Cross my hearts." The Doctor took his pointer finger and made two X's on his chest. Rose giggled sweetly, shaking her head, and letting out a little sigh.

But Rose clearly had her doubts and she expressed them to a waiter when he came to ask how they were doing. "Oh, fine. The food's delicious. I was wondering if there has been any strange occurrences around here." The waiter looked confused, "Pardon, Ma'am?" "Have there been any...I don't know. UFO sightings? Missing people?" "Oh no, nothing of that sort, thankfully." The Doctor shot her a glare but Rose knew he wasn't mad. "Thanks." "Will that be all for now?" Before Rose could say 'yes' the Doctor interrupted. "No, another bottle of champagne. I believe my date is still uptight. She needs to relax." "Right away, sir."

'"Sweet revenge." The Doctor said referring to Rose's blushing face. "A date? So that is what this is?" Now it was the Doctor's turn to blush. " I mean...I guess so." "You guess so? A woman and a man at a nice night. A man and woman who love each other." "Yes. It's a date. Happy now?" The Doctor said in an exaggerated surrender. "Very." And she showed just how happy she was with a loving kiss to the Doctor's lips.

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