Chapter 2: Oh...

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  • Dedicated to My Followers

A/N: So I started writing this and things went awry...real quick. Had to start over hopefully it was worth it.

PS. Seriously check out the song, if you haven't heard it before. An oldie, but a goodie.

O is for the only one I see

Daleks. Seriously, could you actually get rid of these things? They kept coming back like some horrid space cancer. They only went into remission and then they be there again. Recently, it seemed like their "remission" had gotten shorter and every time they be back sooner and stronger. They plagued the whole universe...all of creation. Not only did they kill millions, billions, but they destroyed worlds. Galaxies even. For all those deaths, the Doctor felt hurt behind words.

The timelords sacrificed so much to stop the Daleks. He had done so too. The timelords were the good guys, doing the right thing. Yet where were they? Dead and still the Daleks pervaded space. It was unfair.

Life was unfair, the Doctor mentally scolded himself. Thinking like that didn't help anyone. Didn't bring back the dead and certainly didn't help those who would be the next murdered...unless the Doctor could help. And he could.


Things had gotten out of hand quickly. The Doctor looked around the room. He saw her there. Rose. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. She was okay, scraped up, but okay. She was all that mattered.

"Doctor, please focus. I know this a lot...even for you. But we can get through it." The soft voice shook the Doctor out of his thoughts. "Can we?" The Doctor questioned back, silently. More to himself.

"You know we can. I know we can." We. The Doctor focused on that word. Together as one. He knew Rose didn't mean the Earth officials and governors surrounding them, trying to organize the Earth. She meant The Doctor and Rose Tyler. The Doctor stared at her, oblivious to the havoc around him. He found peace in that moment. In that word.

He grew strength from the word, the idea of them being together. Always.


It didn't really matter how the Doctor managed to defeat the Daleks. How, as the people of Earth put it, heroically saved the day. How ironic...He was no hero. Many were dead. Cities were ruined, turned into rumble. And he knew the Daleks would return. No matter how many times he stopped them, they be back and once he wasn't going to be able to stop them.

"Hey, don't think like that. You are hero." A gentle voice, for the second time that day, broke him from his thoughts. Somehow, Rose knew him so well, it was as if she could read his thoughts. "But, so many are dead." he countered. "You are not the one who killed them. You saved more. And they will never defeat you, as long as we are together." She pulled him into a hug. The hug made the Doctor feel better, not completely. Nothing could ever fix him completely, but maybe that was a good thing. He needed to remember, feel the pain so he wouldn't become like a Dalek, emotionless."Are you sure you are not a doctor? Cause you sure know how to make me feel better." "There is the Doctor I know...and love." She got on her tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. How could he stay sad when he had a girl like that?

Ka-boom! The fireworks went off dazzlingly in the night sky which had three moons. Rose was cuddling with the Doctor on a blanket. "Doctor..." "Yes, Rose?" "Today, you seemed distracted. I know about your home planet, but you kept looking at me. More like staring." "I guess I was just thinking." The Doctor didn't actually lie; it just wasn't the whole truth. There was a peace that surrounded them as they just enjoyed each other's presence. The fact that they were both okay and still had each other. As a small celebration, they had chosen to visit a planet known for their displays similar to Earth's fireworks.

"You know, Doctor, that you are suppose to watch the fireworks. They really are beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you." "Flatterer.", Rose accused him jokingly. The Doctor held up this hands in surrender, "Guilty as charged." Both their faces had ridiculous grins. Grins of true happiness. "As much as I appreciate the compliment, and I do, you can still watch them. I won't be offended." Rose sweetly replied.

"Why would I? Watching you is much more fun...and much more marvelous. When the Daleks attacked, I couldn't tear my eyes from you. Nothing else matters. No other girl, no matter how pretty, could ever take my eyes off of you. You are the only one I see."

"I must be the luckiest girl in the universe, if that's true. And I know it is." Rose yawned and the Doctor scooped her into his arms, bride style. He carried her back to the TARDIS. She was soon also in the arms of Morpheus. He gently put her in her bed.

"Goodnight, Rose, my love."

And if you were to look into Rose's bedroom in the TARDIS, you would see a man with messy hair all the time watching her. Never once letting his deep brown eyes leave her.

A/N: That was a kind of mix between cute Rose and Doctor scenes and reflecting on the Daleks (in this they attacked Earth...again.) I can't really write the adventures parts. Hopefully this isn't too cheesy, but I like writing it. Makes me feel happy inside and I hope you are happy reading it.

Also, is the ending cute or too creepy?

As always, please like, comment, follow, or simply read. These are much appreciated and mean the world to me. I'll try to return the favor if I can.

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