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A/N: so sorry for the slow update, but i'm finally getting my life back on track, i've been doing yoga recently  so i have been feeling pretty good. i've also decided to publish the first chapters of my new book "Pleaser", which will be a mainly TVD but also HP book which i have MANY plans for, just after i publish this chapter :)

This Chapter Includes:

a quick intro

some shifting advice

The quick intro

if you aren't one of the people in my dm's already, you may not know that i've been kinda sloppy with keeping up with all 135 of them, but i have recognised a pattern, and it's that most of you have been asking for general advice, whether it be for baby shifters or experienced shifters looking for a second opinion. therefore, this chapter will be filled with the advice that i would give you if you messaged me

The shifting advice

-plan your shifts beforehand, preferably when a celestial event takes place, which can be anywhere from a full moon to a meteor shower. why?  because you can harness the power of the celestial event to "increase your vibrations" or, as i would say, give yourself a little shifting boost

-drinking water doesn't change a thing, but aromatherapy helps (well, it's helped me in the past). this can simply be using a lavendar pillow spray or some fancy incense burner. why? because aromatherapy, especially the use of lavendar and rose incense have been proven to increase right side brain activity whilst also relaxing the body, two key components of shifting (in my opinion, of course)

-theta waves> subliminals. i don't usually listen to subliminals, since they can be very distracting or just plain boring to the point where i end up turning them off, but i do like theta waves, namely 6hz theta waves, which are 'linked to REM sleep, reduced anxiety, relaxation, as well as meditative and creative states'

-instead of wasting your time with a script, try journaling your experiences with shifting, shifting attempts, lucid dreams and regular dreams that you remember. while journaling your dreams makes you more self aware of them and may help lead you to lucid dreaming, journaling your shifting experiences, especially the ones you consider to be "fails", allows you to reconize what does and doesn't work for you, and that is probably better than any shifting advice that someone else can give you

-self care is actually pretty important; it makes you feel better about yourself which motivates you a lot, at least that's what i found. self care isn't just about exercise and face masks, it's the little things like getting a bit more sleep, eating well and having a routine for the day (having a routine means organisation, which is something that the human brain is super fond of)

-don't overcomplicate things. sure, these 100 step methods may work for some people, but the best thing that you can do is "make your own method", to shift of your own accord, using what works best for you, something that you'll learn after journaling your shifting experiences. adding on to this point, make sure to do your research, but only research ONE topic at a time, instead of trying to cram everything in at once, since you won't absorb anything

-push yourself. no matter what you find on the internet, experimentation is good. it not only allows you to learn what works and what doesn't, but helps overcome anxieties around shifting, such as being in a new place for an extended amount of time (the CR equivalent of this is something like camping, but it could be something smaller like going to a sleepover)

-lastly, find an amino community to join. tiktok is full of mess, toxicity and misinformation, and you can find much smaller amino communities with better chances of speaking 1-1 with an experienced shifter who can tell you what is and what isn't true

A/N: thanks for sticking around, and i hope that this answers some of your questions, any others can be left in the comments!

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