m a n i f e s t a t i o n

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A/N: so i'm really liking this thing where you guys give me chapter ideas and i make them as i go along, it really helps me to gauge what you guys would like to see next :)

this chapter includes

what manifestation is

how i manifest

things i've manifested

what manifestation is (and how it works)

manifestation has many definitions but the one we're looking at is "the public display of emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real", mainly focusing on the something theoretical made real part since, in spirituality, the simplest definition of manifestation is making a belief reality. manifestation works as a result of the universal law of attraction, which states that "whatever can be imagined and held in the mind's eye is achievable if you take action on a plan to get to where you want to be" or, in simple terms, the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. this means that, in order to attract happiness into your life, or to manifest happiness, you must focus on the feeling of being (or the desire to feel) happy.

how i manifest

on every social media platform, from tiktok to amino, there are lots of manifestation methods, but i choose to ignore method making and just get right to the point. i prefer to use present or past perfect (ending in -ed) manifestations, but, as long as the belief is there, it honestly doesn't matter which manifestations you use. i sometimes visualise my manifestations, so if i want it to stop raining, i'll visualise the rain slowing down and then stopping. i'm also stubborn as hell, so i tend to get what i want most of the time.

pro tip: manifest that you're a powerful manifestor and that manifestation comes easily to you and, every time you manifest something, no matter how big or small, congratulate yourself, because you did that

things i've manifested

when i first started manifesting, i would manifest small things, such as winning a bingo game or getting the jackpot at an arcade, but i've recently progressed to things like the weather (mostly controlling the rain) live football games (England v Denmark, but when it got to the finals i didn't really want England to win anymore since the fans are disgusting) and, most recently, a £100 cash prize for my mum which, to be fair, doesn't sound like much, but it made her very happy and that was enough for me.

A/N: this chapter is short but it has pretty much all you need to know about manifestation in it, any questions can be left in the comments, along with any other chapter suggestions :)

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