3.3: We Have A Wide Selection Of Shovels

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Gabby's apartment was located in the basement floor of a tall building on a busy street. She and Dorothy agreed to get together with Kitra and Liam to discuss their security enhancements for the pack territory, which Kitra was compiling to present to Frank. The four of them were packed into the living room, already crammed with a table with a laptop, a television, a gaming rig, a VR set-up, and one couch. Gabby was at her laptop, with Kitra and Liam on the couch. Dorothy skulked the length of the room.

"So tell me again how this is going to benefit anything instead of being a big waste of time and money?" asked Dorothy.

Nervous, Gabby averted her eyes and tapped the laptop. "With strategic placement of the security cams, we can monitor specific travel corridors and pinpoint the exact location of intruders when they're detected."

"How are we gonna monitor a hundred square kilometers with three cameras?" said Dorothy.

Kitra leaned forward. "We can't. Three is just to start. But like Gabby said, we'll place them strategically around the passages most likely to be traveled. You found access points with Sadie's scent before, right?"

"Yeah. Here," said Gabby, turning the laptop to display an aerial map on the screen.

Kitra hovered behind Gabby. Her shiny black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her faint smell of garlicky adobo making Kitra hungry. Gabby's Filipino diet was much different than the rest of the pack's, but Kitra had yet to catch Gabby eating so she could ask to try some. Gabby seemed to keep her habits to herself. She caught Gabby's dark brown eyes, smiling as Gabby flushed and pointed at the screen.

"Here are the places we detected Sadie," said Gabby.

Beside Kitra, Dorothy squinted and leaned in. "Yeah. I remember."

"And here are our proposed locations for the cameras," continued Gabby, tapping again to display a different set of points on the map.

"I guess so long as Sadie isn't expecting to be spied on," said Dorothy. "Aren't we gonna have to watch them 24/7 in order to catch anything?"

Kitra folded her arms on the back of Gabby's chair. "No, they're motion activated. When the sensor detects movement, the cam will take a photo and send it to us, then start recording for a few minutes. They connect to the 4G network, which is fine for these two close to the highway. It's just this one that's out of range," she said, reaching past Gabby to point at the screen.

Gabby sunk into the chair. "That's why we're getting the signal booster today."

"So you're leaving a $700 piece of technology out in the wilderness for some yokel to nab?" asked Dorothy, dubious.

Kitra immediately became animated. "It's a solid investment. Gabs and I are splitting the cost. And if it works, Frank will fund us to set up cams in more remote locations."

"And what if Sadie finds our gear? It'll have our scent," Dorothy pointed out.

"That's a work in progress, but we have ways to mask the scent," said Kitra.

Dorothy chewed her cheek, then flung her eyes at the couch. "What do you think, Liam? You been awfully quiet over there."

Liam looked up from his phone. "It sounds good. Sorry. I have to go meet Theron." The three girls bristled while Liam lowered his phone. "What?"

"You don't have to do anything for him," said Dorothy.

"I'm not doing it for him. I asked him to talk."

"About what?" asked Kitra.

"Well, you," said Liam, standing. "And the police incident. And whatever we need to talk about."

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