Chapter 38

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"Gosh, who would have imagined that my little B cups could hold so much milk!" Cassie screeched from the kitchen, grabbing napkins to wipe herself off.

Her shirt had milk stains right over her nipples that had me laughing despite her misery.

"It's not funny, Liv." she huffed, letting her hands fall to her sides in defeat. "He eats like every hour or so, and I still leak."

I looked down at Grayson, who was sleeping soundly in my arms, giggling softly as I bounced him.

"He looks like he eats a ton." I smiled, pinching at his chunky cheeks gently. "He's caught up a lot on his weight the last month, I feel like."

"He went from preemie to 3-month sized clothing almost overnight, Liv. I'm telling you this kid is going to eat me out of house and home when he's older."

"He's definitely your child." I laughed, watching as Cassie rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to change this shirt." She groaned, wheeling over to me. "He should be fine."

Nodding my head, I fanned her off. "Yeah, I've got him, Cass, go change."

She smiled before rushing off into her bedroom, leaving Gray and I alone in the living area.

"Your mommy is crazy." I chuckled, looking down at Grayson, brushing his head of thick, curly hair gently with my fingers. "But we have no choice but to love her, do we?"

Grayson's eyes slowly opened, fixating on my face as he raised his little hand to hold onto my finger. I smiled down at him, cooing softly as he gripped onto it as tightly as his little hand could manage.

Cassie came back into the room a few minutes later, plopping down carefully on the sofa beside me and resting her head on my shoulder.

Cassie rubbed her index finger across his cheek as she smiled, "I love how much he loves you, Liv. He's so calm and happy with his godmom."

"I love him too, so so much." I babbled, raising him slightly and kissing his chunky cheeks. "He's so perfect."

"He is." Cassie agreed, watching as he began to doze off into slumber once more. "Do you want some wine, babes?" Cassie asked, gesturing toward the bottle of Stella Rosa on the table. "It's nothing too strong or fancy. I've been keeping my intake low since I'm breastfeeding Gray."

"You know I'm not into strong wine anyway." I grinned. "I love my grape juice with just a splash of alcohol."

"Of course." Cassie laughed, grabbing the bottle before maneuvering to her chair to get a glass. "I think I have watermelon in the fridge if you'd rather that." She offered, glancing over at me.

"The original one is fine." I shrugged, looking back down at Gray. "I just need something to calm my nerves down."

"Uh oh. What's going on, babes?" Cassie asked, sitting back down and handing me the glass.

"Jason and I had a rough weekend...." I trailed off, taking a sip of the wine.

The savory, sweet taste of it sent delight across my taste buds and a warm feeling throughout me as I swallowed.

"How so?" she questioned, leaning on the edge of the sofa with her elbow, facing me fully now.

I told her everything. From the moment he got the text, to before we left for Oswego, to the panic attack he had in the middle of the night. I told her about how I felt like he wasn't ready to go to work because his head wasn't in the right place and how nervous I was for him to be out there where those guys are already risking their lives without the extra emotional pressure Jason was under. It terrified me.

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