Chapter 3: The Sum of Both Parts

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After waiting long enough for Alastor to get back to the hotel, Angel headed in himself and up to his own room. He could feel Husk's eyes on him as he passed the bar but didn't slow his pace. Whatever the cat thought, whatever he felt, Angel wasn't going to let it get in the way of finally scratching this month-long itch. Nuggs greeted him when he got upstairs, and he spent a while cuddling and paying attention to him after being away the past couple hours.

"I'm gonna hafta leave ya alone tonight, polpetto," he said apologetically, petting the pig's ears while they sat together on the bed. "Papa's got a date with a big scary Overlord. There's a definite chance he's just gonna kill me, so I guess ya might hafta go live with Aunt Cherri if that happens. Don't worry, she'll take good care of ya." He thought about texting her to let her know what he was about to do, maybe to give her the opportunity to talk him out of it, but he decided against it. Alastor seemed like the kinda guy who'd rather keep this stuff discreet, and especially since it was only a trial run, Angel didn't want to get his hopes up too much that it could become a steady thing.

Around 11, when he knew the halls would be pretty much empty, he changed into something more playful and, more to the point, easier to take off. He didn't normally bother much with modesty, but just so he wouldn't seem too eager, he covered up with his favorite pink trench coat. After planting a kiss on top of Nuggets's head, he headed down to the third floor.

Room 13 was at the end of the hall on the left, and Angel took a second to psych himself up before knocking. The first session with a new Dom was always a little nerve-wracking because they all had their own preferences to learn, limits of how much backtalk they would take, how hard he had to push to be soundly punished. Not that he wasn't excited, especially after so long without, but anxiety and anticipation were sort of hard to tell apart right now.

The door opened after a few seconds of nervous silence, and Alastor greeted him with a smile, as always. "So it was a 'yes' after all. Come inside, cher."

"Weird, that's usually my line," Angel answered, innocent as could be, as he entered the room and looked around. To the best of his knowledge, Alastor's room was off-limits to everyone, even Niffty, so he was curious to see what sort of creepy shit the Radio Demon might be hiding in there. At first glance, it was strangely plain: a dark wood dresser, a closet, a bed with two nightstands, the same stuff Angel's room had come with. That made sense, considering they were in a hotel, but he would've expected everyone's rooms to be at least a little customized by now. The main distinguishing feature between Alastor's place and any of the others was that the overhead lights were red. "Huh. If that ain't mood lighting, I dunno what is."

"I'm glad you approve. It's important that you be comfortable here before we go any further."

"Have you done somethin' like this before?" Angel asked, finally voicing the question that had been swimming around in his head ever since Alastor first approached him.

"Believe it or not, I have. Only with a handful of partners, granted, but enough to know my way around it. I wouldn't have offered to help you if I weren't fully confident that I could." The Radio Demon strolled into Angel's field of vision and stood waiting with his hands folded at his back. There was a very soft, low hum of static hanging in the air, Angel now noticed, barely audible but there nevertheless. "The fact that you're here must mean you agree. So tell me what you're looking for. And I'll give it to you."

A shiver ran down Angel's spine, and he bit his lower lip thoughtfully. This was the part he wasn't sure how to approach, because his terms weren't the same kind as a lot of subs had. It wasn't as easy as saying he was into flogging or he liked breathplay or whatever; what he was looking for was somehow way less specific but way more particular.

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