chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Aslan's Camp

The valley holding Aslan's camp was lush and green. Dahlia walked along next to Susan, admiring the red and gold tents forming a path in front of them. Hundreds of Narnian creatures were at work preparing for the upcoming battle.

A horn sounded from somewhere above them as the group entered the camp itself, Peter and the beavers at the front of the group. All work and conversation came to a halt as the Narnians saw the children; they watched them walk through the camp, muttering amongst themselves. The children instinctively formed a line across the path, all feeling more comfortable walking closer together.

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked the other girls through the side of her mouth, an uncomfortable smile on her face. Dahlia shook her head, just as unsettled by all the attention.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy replied, laughing. Dahlia looked around at the Narnians as they continued to walk. She made direct eye contact with a few of them, satisfied when that got them to look away. Not that it stopped the staring altogether.

"I really wish they'd stop. I still haven't fully recovered from nearly dying more than once," Dahlia muttered to Susan, fiddling uncomfortably with the strap of her sheath. Susan patted her arm as they came to a stop in front of an official-looking tent with a centaur standing guard. Peter pulled his sword out of its sheath and held it out in front of him with the blade pointing towards the sky. The Narnians crowded around them.

"We have come to see Aslan," Peter said to the centaur, trying to sound brave; the Narnians around them started muttering again. The entrance to the large tent flapped in the breeze and the Narnians kneeled, Dahlia among them. The siblings looked down at her, confused, but Dahlia's eyes remained glued to the tent.

A great lion walked out of the tent. Aslan. His mane blew in the breeze and his eyes fell to Dahlia, as she was the only one of the children who was kneeling. She didn't know what else to do, so she bowed her head. His presence was so powerful, and the fox had been right. He really was like everything they'd ever heard. Beside Dahlia, the Pevensies finally kneeled. Then Aslan spoke, and Dahlia knew that his voice was indeed the one she'd heard back in Narrowhaven.

"Welcome, Peter, son of Adam. Welcome, Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve. Welcome, Dahlia, daughter of the Deep Magic." Dahlia lifted her head to look at him. "And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fifth?" The children glanced at each other, all standing up.

"That's why we're here, sir," Peter said, sheathing his sword. "We need your help."

"We had a little trouble along the way," Susan added. Dahlia looked down at her lion pendant, which was still glowing faintly. 'A little trouble' was certainly an understatement.

"Our brother's been captured by the White Witch." Murmurs rippled through the crowd at Peter's words; even Aslan looked taken aback.

"Captured? How could this happen?" the great lion asked. Dahlia took a deep breath, holding the pendant in one hand.

"I tried to stop him, sir, but I was too late. I'm sorry," she said, her voice far more timid than she would've liked. Aslan tilted his head.

"It's not your fault, child. Now tell me, what happened?" he asked. Dahlia still felt awful about leaving Edmund, but Aslan's voice was so calming that she actually believed she'd done all she could. She was about to explain what had happened when Mr. Beaver spoke up.

"He betrayed them, Your Majesty." The Narnians behind them gasped; Dahlia looked down at the beaver, shocked he'd been so blunt.

"Then he has betrayed us all!" the centaur guarding the tent exclaimed. Dahlia glared at him; she didn't believe Edmund was bad, just misled. Aslan apparently agreed.

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