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Season 2

Arc: 1

•Becoming the
grandmaster of black magic•

Athanese POV

I wake up in a dark room with my hands chained.

"Finally you're awake Prince charming"

An unknown voice spoke

"Who the hell are you!?"

"Oh my, not so elegant and calm, are we? You really are pathetic"

"Well sorry to disappoint you i already knew that"

The unknown voice started laughing like a maniac

"Woah you are amazing kid, i have never heard someone say something like that specially not a prince!"

"Few seconds earlier i think i was pathetic?"

"Yes you still are but i can make you strong-"

"I'll pass"

"Hey you little brat!! Do you not know i am!?"

"You never told you idiot!!"

"Oh right ahem"


"My name is Abaddon-"

"A bun?"

"No you little brat!! It's Aba-d-don"


"You little shit!! It's a-b-a-d-d-o-n Abaddon!"


"Yes, I am the grandmaster of  black magic or you could say I created black magic"


"Shouldn't you be like 'OH MY GOSH REALLY!? PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR DISCIPLE!!' why Tf are you calm now!?"

"Prove it"

Abaddon roles his eyes and snapped his finger releasing a enormous amount of black mist.
And foggy demon looking creatures starting coming above the ground and the celling.

"So you really are the grandmaster of black magic!"

"Not shit Sherlock!! Of course I am!"

"So why did you bring me here!?"

"To make you my successor of course!"

"What the fuck,no absolutely not I need to go back their are people waiting for me"

"I'll give you some time to think."

With that Abaddon left.

I know Claude will come or at least search for me!!
It's been 2 days Abaddon has been leaving food and all the necessary things that I required.
I waited for Claude or Athanasia, at least they would search me.

Then Abaddon slammed the door open and rushed near the bed.


He just shoved the newspaper in my face

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