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Athanese POV
I kept walking with the lyre in my hands on cold path, silence louder than anything.


It started raining

I wanted to run and find shelter but I didn't.

I just kept walking

Eyes red from crying and hair messy.

Abun.. what is my goal ? I don't even know anymore i- I'm so confused i am scared... Make you proud? I couldn't make anyone proud in my last life.. I'm so confused..

"My king.."

My eyes widened i whispered


"My king it's alright to be confused and to be scared, when I was in dreamland waiting for you i was also very scared, that will you even come to me? Am i good enough... I was confused so confused.. i thought I was never good enough for anything, but when you came you were like a ray light in darkness when you came all my doubts disappeared.. because you found me, you came.. you found me"

My eyes stayed wide open as I fell down and broke down in sobs again.

"Luka I'm so scared!! I can't understand! I'm Scared I'm not doing enough! I have so many problems! I am not perfect how can I ever make anyone proud!! I am so confused that I'll never be able to do anything good!! Or am I even doing anything right!?"

My hands wiping the tears flowing but the tears Just didn't seem to stop.

I summoned Luka and hugged him immediately looking for comfort.

He stayed still.

"My king it's alright no one is perfect, no one will ever be perfect just let time handle it everything will be alright you'll find everything you're looking for , when the right time comes..."

Luka is so underrated🥺✊
there is moment in everyone's life when they question themself if they are good enough or not. just sit relax and think everything not when you're angry, sad or hungry. Let time handle this you're a good person and if you're really a good person, time will reflect everything so just keep moving are doing great! )

I just stayed there with Luka under rain.

After few seconds my eyes started to feel heavy and I feel asleep.
---In Obelia---

"This was our room, athans room..."

"Your highness it's time to go.."

Athanasia followed lily, then looked back at room, then continued walking.

She went to sit in the carriage.
Felix was standing there.

"Goodbye your highness"

Felix said in heavy tone and bowed. He looked like he was gonna cry at any second.

"Goodbye Felix"

Athanasia said and smiled sadly

The carriage started moving.

Athanasia looked at the palace and whispered.

"Goodbye brother and father we'll meet again.."

Explanation: after the incident Claude thought if Athanasia stayed in the palace she would be reminded of her brother all the time so he sent her away from the palace somewhere she could study and learn in peace then return when she is matured enough. Lily and Lucas are with her. While Felix stayed at the palace. He trusted Lucas to keep Athanasia out of trouble and keep her safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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