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(Training arc begins)

Athanese POV

I groaned and started to open my eyes just to a see someone staring at me from the top.




I screamed and got up as fast as I could but that ended up getting headbutts.

"Brat wtf!!"

"Don't wtf me you were the reason why this happened!! Of course I would be terrified if someone watched me sleep!!"

"Who the fuck is watching you sleep ?!"

"You!! Who else you fucking bun!?"

"Ughhh shutt upppp it's too early for your bullshit!"


I got up Dusting my clothes and rubbing my blurry eyes

"Take the bag we're moving now and your training starts now"

"Alright "

I took the bag and started to walk towards the bridge.

We crossed it very carefully and when we reached the other side the bridge disappeared.

"Alright, we're gonna continue but you're gonna jump your way until your footsteps become silent"


"What I mean to say is, I don't want to hear any noise when you jump and untill you reach that goal you're gonna jump your whole way not walk"

"...there are dried leaves everywhere of course it will make some noise!"

I said pointing at the leaves and sticks on the ground.

"Let me show you"

He closed his eyes jumping up and down on the leaves and sticks... But there was pin drop silence.

"See, this technique helps you concentrate! And you need to grow down damn muscles"


"Of course you looked like a stick I could have pushed you and you could have gone to another nation!!"

"You're exaggerating."

"Am not"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Mmph just start jumping now"

I sighed as I started to jump it was very exhausting but in future I wouldn't regret it so it has to be worth it.
Narrator POV

It was deadly silent in the palace not even birds daring to speak an murderous aura suffocating the whole palace.

The only things that could be heard were the cries of Athanasia and her nanny trying to calm her down.

The little girl could not handle the look the look of her brother drenched in blood.


Wmmap x male! Oc Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin