She's me... but better? Cure Veracity!

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3:55 pm-

The day ended with my dog greeting me by the door and her self-feeder bowl was halfway empty.

"Heya buddy! Glad to see you, and seeing Marina take good care of you."

I sighed, taking off my messenger bag as I placed it inside my room. My blouse came off and I went to start the water in my bathroom.

I definitely felt like an actual nursing academy student, the introduction to the Nurse Career in High School was easy stuff compared to today.

Sliding off my shoes, I left the door open so my dog could go as she pleased and shut the blinds to my bathroom. The long socks weren't a favorite of mine any longer as the marks on my legs were red and new.

I sighed and neatly placed my new belongings on the towel holder and slid into the tub.

This sure is a new experience....

I sighed, sinking inwards as I looked over to the shining ruby red gem of the necklace. The memory of the day fresh in my mind as I felt my arms sore once more.

"I sure don't wanna do that again... but Pulse said it was an everyday thing from now on..."

The haze of the warm water made me lightheaded, as the steam trailed towards the mirror, fogging it up slightly.

"Octavian... Who knew he'd be evil? Despite his appearance, he was just unpleasant to look at. But now.. I don't think I can look at him the same way anymore.."

I looked up at the white ceiling, the light of the energy saving bulb making it warmer by the second.


I gasped and sat upwards, the ever chilling voice of my new Biochemistry teacher chilling my bones. The air was warm as it was still afternoon, and my head spun as I held it in my hands.

"That guy has some nerve... And Callous, did he mean it literally? Besides Despair and Hopelessness, what were they? How did it happen? Most importantly, are they the ambition of the students?'

I pondered, turning the water on again and draining the used one, as I grabbed my rose scented body wash, the running water helping me to wash off.

"They are the ambitions of the students,"

I gasped as the voice of Pulse was heard from behind me, as I instinctively pulled the shower curtains around me.


The mouse sat at the edge of the plastic tub, pondering the thought as I washed off behind the curtain,

"What were once Dreams are now Ambitions and Goals. Callous affects them differently. You saw a Callous that went ballistic and enraged if they didn't get to be accomplished, the boy must have really wanted this his whole life."
Pulse hummed.

"He was new, like me." I spoke up, turning the water off as I grabbed my towel, "We have big hopes to finally make this happen."

"That's why your name is Cure Hope, to share the light with others." Pulse beamed, "But so to, there will be Callouses that just won't fall with Hope alone. That's why it's important to find the rest of the Precure group!"
He urged.

I dried off my hair with one towel and my body with the one I previously held.

"She's got to be firm but kind, hopeful but truthful. Do you know anyone like that?" Pulse asked.

"I think the older years have aspects like that. I'll get to see them tomorrow since they enter school again then."
I added.

"A Cure who works? Hmm, that's playing it horribly."
Pulse hummed.

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