Juliet, Let Me In

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"Your scent is more vibrant than usual, kitten." My brother said, walking over to the other boy. He glided his hands across Kankri's hair, and scratched his head a little bit. The other purred softly, leaning into his touch. "Hunting our kind has been abolished here, so there's no use in hiding. Aside from keeping Karkat's true form a secret, due to specific people wanting him for certain reasons." Kankri sighed slightly. "I see, though it has been abolished there are few rebels who still despise our category, so you might want to stay cautious." Said my brother, removing his hand from the other's head. "I do understand. There is one female at our school, Meenah. She is what they call a Siren, I believe. She isn't quite fond of Vampires and Werecats, or Werewolves for that matter. She thinks they lower the prey numbers." The brunette shook his head, with a sigh. Karkat shifted in my arms and slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them. I guess he caught a glimpse of my brother first because he blushed madly and pointed at him by moving his finger, "Okay, not to be weird or anything, but he's pretty hot.." I laughed a little, "It's as soon as people see you, Bro." My brother smiled, chuckling softly. "Well you can't not fall for a Strider, lil' man." Karkat blushed a little darker, whispering, "Holy shiiiiiiiit."
"Karkat, language!" Kankri rolled his eyes. "Oh fu- I mean.. Eheheh.." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well I better head off before this lil' cat's gay grows a little more." My brother said, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "I will come back later, Davie." He grinned. "Don't. Even." He laughed and turned his head to Kankri, with a small wink he left the room. Kankri blushed, pulling his turtle neck up to cover his blush. "Striders, I swear.." He mumbled, I chuckled, "It's a thing we inherit."
"Well I must be on my way aswell, I just came to check up on you boys. Goodbye." He turned his heel and left the room. "Your brother is seriously hot though.." Karkat whispered. "Oh wow that makes me feel very attractive. An old man is more attractive than I am, okay." Karkat squeaked, "I never said you weren't attractive or that he was hotter than you..he's just..really...really....really....hot..." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. This is weird, you're like, hitting on my brother and that is not cool in the slightest, man."
"Make your brother ugly then I will stop."
"How about I redirect your gaze to someone else that's hotter than that old man?"
"Lemme guess, you're redirecting me to you aren't you cool kid?"
"Eh, maybe."
"Yknow whats pretty ironic, you just met me and you have a thing for me." I smirked a little, making Karkat blush darker with a glare in my direction. "I do not.." I chuckled, "If you say so."
A few months passed, Dave healed. All was okay. Nothing seemed off or anything, though we do have an eye out for Dave. Something was going on between his brother and mine. I honestly had no idea he knew him and didn't tell me. I mean seriously, my brother gets to befriend all the hot guys. It's almost unfair.
I sighed, shaking my head. Currently, I was spacing out during one of my favorite recent movies while laying in bed alone. My phone buzzed from under my pillow, making me flinch in surprise. I slid it out from my furry candy red pillow and checked to see what notified me. It was no one other than Dave Strider, of course.

Dave: hey
Me: Hey Asswipe.
Dave: o: rude
Me: Whatever. What do you want?
Dave: i feel like i interrupted you and your shitty movies
Me: FUCK YOU, THEY ARE NOT SHITTY. You didn't even interrupt me, I was spacing out.
Dave: mmhm anyways, i wanted to know if you could hang out and stay over tonight since bro and dirk are at some party
Me: Yeah, I can. I have nothing better to do anyway. Kankri and my dad are doing some church thing, idek.
Dave: cool cool
Me: Im too lazy to get out of bed.
Dave: dude im outside get out here
Me: what??

I set down my phone, getting out from my grey sheets and black comforter. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, placing them on my creme colored carpet. I got up, walking over to my french doors and opening them, stepping out on my side of the balcony. I peered over the ledge and there he was, looking up at me with a grin. "Strider, what the fuck!" I exclaimed, "Do you know the temperature out here!?"
"Yeah, mind letting me in, Juliet?" He shrugged. "Ugh, hold on." I sighed, shaking my head as I walked back inside, closing my french doors and unlocking, and opening my bedroom one. I stepped out, my feet hitting the cold marble floor. "Damn its cold in here." I shivered. I quickly ran to the front door, unlocking both locks and opening it. "Strider, get your ass in here!" I called out to him. He walked over to the front door, "Again, you guys shit gold I swear." I shook my head as he chuckled and stepped inside. I closed the door, locking both locks. "You don't even wear a jacket or anything?"
"Well, even though its pretty damn cold out, its spring, Karkitten. It's the most bipolar time of the year." He shrugged. "Even still, it could start raining and you could freeze to death!" I threw my hands up in the air. He caught my wrists, "Chill, Kitten. I knew you would let me in so I didn't bring one." I blushed lightly, "Fuck you." He smiled, chuckling softly. "So, what exactly were you watching up there?" He tilted his head. "None of your business, that's what."
"Hmm, none of my business? This gets me suspicious." He smirked. "Dave fucking Strider don't you dare." He raised his eyebrows, "You're watching something dirty, aren't you?." I blushed darkly, "No!"
"Then why do you care so much that I go and check on what you're watching?"
"I...Beca-...I..ugh!" I turned my head away, making him laugh. "Ohh, kitten. You never cease to amuse me." I managed to free my hands from his hands, growling lowly. "Fuck you." He smirked, "Awe, little cats pissy, today." He skipped over to the stairs, hopping on one, balancing on only one of his feet while grasping at the rail, swinging out his other foot. "However, he might just want to kill me after I found out what he has been watching." My eyes widened, and just as I was about to run after him, he had already gotten up to the top if the stairs. "STRIDER!" I ran after him this time, earning his evil laugh as he dashed down the hallway. By the time I had nearly caught up with him, he had made it into my room, shutting and locking the door. "Watching 50 shades of grey I see?" He laughed. "Looks like someone has been horny.." He trailed off. A few moments of silence passed before he started imitating the moaning coming from the television. I blushed darkly. "STRIDER!" I covered my ears, I could hear him snickering from the other side of the door. He turned off the television, unlocked and opened my door. With a smirk, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.
He closed the door behind me and pushed me up against it, "Now you've got me wondering if you watch porn when you're alone." I blushed darkly at how close we were. Yes, it may sound cliché as hell, but I've known this kid for three months and he makes my heart pound in my chest. I glanced down at his lips, they looked soft from close up. I blushed darker and turned my head away, what the hell am I thinking? He's just teasing me. He chuckled, "Saw that, Kitkat."
"You didn't see anything, Strider."
"Oh but I saw what was on your tv, and what your eyes glanced to.." He leaned closer to my neck, causing my heartbeat to speed up. "I see how you observe things you like, kitten." His breath was hot on my neck as he spoke and inched closer. "Got something to admit?" I shook my head, though I wanted to nod to see if he will continue. He chuckled softly, "Alright then."
Slowly, and carefully he put me down. I could barely stand. He smirked, "This is the fifth time this month, surely you developed something to help you stand." He picked me up, walking over to my bed and laying me down. "Whatever." I said, my blush still remaining on my face like a stain that's too stubborn to go away. He laid down beside me. "Damn I love your bed." He shifted to a more "comfortable" position, which consisted of him pulling me to his chest and holding me close. "Tease."
"Well, I think we know I will be staying over, again." He grinned.
"Insufferable prick."
"Love you too."

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