"Daily routine"

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Somewhere millions light years away from earth 

Hira woke up and does his daily routine he brushed his teeth first and then showered
he proceeds to make breakfast and his coffee he found his dog still sleeping so he put dog food
on his dogs bowl. He ate his breakfast and went to the watch his universal tv.

The dog finally woke up stretching at the same time yawning the dog found its bowl already filled with dog food and ate it the dog wandered around the living room saw its master
watching TV the dog felt energetic today so he tries to grab hira's attention.

"W-Woof woof WOOF!"
"Not now Shiro.. I just woke up maybe later we will take a walk in the park ok?"
"Grrrrrr.. woof"
"Now now manners Shiro. Go play with your toys"
*Does angry annoyed dog sounds*

The dog played on his chewing toys for a bit and was bored dog wanted to run around on a open grassy feild. Hira got up from the couch and stretch its body.

"AAaahhh. The stretch was much very satisfying"

 he called out for shiro to come with him


The dog heard it and was expecting finally going to the park but it wasn't

"Come on shiro we got things to do."

Dog was annoyed so he grabs a leash and tugs hiro with is paws to get its attention.

"Hmm? Shiro i know i said later but not really now i have things to do. I have to look at screens if there is any destructive chaos around the timelines any evil doings."

Shiro was really annoyed at this point and trips over his owner as he walked to the observation room.

"AAH- H-Hey! shiro manners! bad dog"

shiro then just goes back to his dog bed and just chewing his chewing toy annoyed hira sighed and went to the observation room.

"Alright lets see all if there any problem one of the universe timelines"

He spread his arms and thus many floating screens with people in different timelines and etc.

"ok time for work"

Shiro was bored as hec and need of open grass field to run and play shiro then decided to go out on a adventure. He got up and grabs a pillow and covered it with a blanket and a fake tail making a fake replica of him thinking was asleep but he wasn't he went outside of the house and see around him was just infinite white endless of field shiro then runs around the house 5 times and then barked loudly and a portal was made. Shiro jump into the portal having a random doggy adventure.

Meanwhile at the observation room he thought he heard something but just ignored it.

Portal appeared top of a 48 floors tall building and Shiro jump out of the dog look around and saw flying steel birds in the sky *Planes if your confused*. And tall buildings everywhere he looked down and saw many people walking and moving steel boxes with wheels *Cars if your still confused by it*.
Shiro doesn't know where he was so he looked at around a city a new place for him to venture he then jumps the tall building but he didn't fell but floated he used the invisible air barriers to go down the tall building good thing he walk down the alley way he then was in the ground and went out of the alleyway what he saw was full of people and cars moving and alot of new smell and new stuff Shiro was excited and venture out to the city.

                                                                                                                                                          To be continued...

Hoped you liked it i made it randomly out of my head. if you liked it comment if you want more.

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