"Cat Alleyway/Dog catcher"

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Shiro was walking in the sidewalk and decides to take a shortcut through the alley. He wasn't scared cause he's a dog with powers after Shiro walks into the dark alley when he heard a noise
he ignored it and continues walking until he heard a meow. Now that made Shiro shivers his dog spine since he hates cat and never got along with them ever since
he was a pup he was playing with a kitten as there were playing he got scratched by the mother cat and hated cats ever since.
As shiro looks around for cats it was to dark to see them until he saw a cat figure was there laying down top of the garbage bin.

"Nya~ What are you doing here Stray dog? meow-" said the cat

"Huh..? What do you mean im just crossing the alleyway. Look i don't want any trouble i know we have our difference's but you leave me i leave you" Replied

"Trouble? Oh we don't want any trouble to we never seen a dog came here in our cat alleyway nya~" Exclaimed

Shiro ignored the cat as he wants to leave this place in a hurry but was blocked by the cat
And said.
"Your not going anyway you stupid dog you need to give us food as payment crossing our alleyway nya-".

"What? is this some kind of booth express way? No i'm not giving you anything just because your superior than me."
Shiro replied

"Are you threatning me nya?" Cat exclaimed

"THreatNIng you?! YoUR THreatning ME" Shiro said as he is angrily annoyed.

"You should control you temper dog nya-. You don't want this claws ruin your precious fur nya~" 

"My FUR has nothing to do with this just leave me alone already" Shiro barked loudly at the cat angrily and made the cat startled.

"NNNYYAAA!!! Y-You RunT you'll regret this dog" The cat meowed loudly and and more cats appeared. looks like shiro is in troubled "I don't Have time for this" Said shiro as he runs away
through out the alleyway but then was blocked out his way because of the many cats.
"How many are you here?!"
Shiro said "NYa~ You should've have thought of this earlier Dog we cats come in groups to survive and steal food from the humans nya-" Replied Shiro was surrounded by cats  "GGrrrr- this is why i hate cats this is why dog never get along with cats" Shiro exclaimed.

"NYA? Get along nya~ Obvoiusly we don't get along were enemies NYa-" Said by the cat
The cats around Shiro started hissing and trying to scratch him. Of coarse shiro is not scared and dodged those attacks shiro does a move that hiro taught him called Shock wave.

"You all gonna regret doing this CAT!" Shiro yelled

"Nya~ What are you gonna do nya- your surround nya~
theres nothing you can do about it nya~" Replied by the cat

Shiro does the shockwave move a very loud noise frequency that will make your ears hurt.
Shiro barked loudly causing a shockwave noise making the cats around him get startled and backs up and hisses. 

"NYAAA- WHAT WAS THAT NYA!" Cat exclaimed

"That was get away from me or you'll regret it!" Shiro said as he jumps over high the cat below
and lands safely.

"i-impossible! No DOG CAN JUMP THAT HIGH EXCEPT US" Said by the cat as they chased shiro through the alley

Shiro was running fast and a random cat blocked his way.He then headbutted the cat making the cat unconscious on the ground and runs away more and more cats was chasing him 
making him use his 2% of his power speed but wasn't enough to overrun them. Shiro made a plan on his head and smiled.
As the cats were chasing shiro he stopped and looked at them running at him he inhales for 3 seconds and then barked so loud that debre and garbage will fly over.

The cats stopped and runs away as the loud bark shockwave was coming right to them

"W-W-WAIT NOO SCRAM EVERYONE SCRAM WERE GONNA BLOW! NNNYAA!" said the cat as they flew in the air and got knocked out unconscious on the ground.

"That's what you get for messing with me you stupid cats" Shiro exclaimed as he walks out and leave the alley way. "phew that was some trouble i got in there. .

He then walks through out the alley almost at the exit but then got shot by a tranquilizer. "OW- huh what is this thing in my thighs?! wait... i feel sleepy" Shiro layed down unconscious on the ground by the tranquilizer 

"HEH- stupid stray dog you think you could escape me?" The dog catcher grabs shiro and put him back of the van and got caged up with the other dogs. He was still asleep becuase of the tranquilizer that shot him. They arrived at the pound were some dogs get euthanized or if there lucky they go to the adoption center shiro woke up in a cage head still dizzy

"ughhh.. i Feel sick w-where am i? what is this place"
Shiro notices he was in a cage and locked up he can easily break out but the his strength is numb and couldn't break out.

Shiro looked around and see's a lot of cages with random stray dogs. One of the strays talked to him and said. "Hey. you got captured didn't you?"

"Captured. By whom?" Shiro replied

"By the dog catcher obvoiusly! anyway how you got here?" he asked

"I got shot in the thigh and fell asleep" Said

"aahh- The tranquilizers huh they always get you. Those things sucks man if you got ever shot one you will fall asleep in a matter of seconds. I tell after you wake up your very vulnurable" 

"What do you mean. Does it make me weak?"
Shiro asked.

"Yes- your muscle are numbed out because if the tranquilizer. But it will go away evantually.." Said by the stray dog

 "Also Where am i what is this place. And how long is the tranquilizer effects worn off" Shiro asked again

"You have many questions there pal. Tell me your name first and where you came from" Stray exclaimed.

"I'm shiro and i am not a stray. Came from new york trying to find the park" Shiro replied

"A park? and you have an owner heh. if you have an owner then you wouldn't be here. Did you ran off to find the park by yourself?" 

"yea?" shiro said

"Ha! that's stupid even when you get there and have fun to run around the grass and play with the other dogs. You will always get caught by the dogs catchers unless you have an owner with ya pal-" Stray dog exclaimed

"Is that so? Anyway you didn't answer my question minute ago" Shiro asked

"Ok ok- i'll tell ya don't get your hopes up the tranquilizers wore off in 10 hours and right know your in the pick up dog pound center. What color is you tag" Stray answered and asked

"Tag? what tag" Shiro notice's a yellow tag strapped in his leg "Its yellow- What does it mean?" Shiro asked 

"Huh- your a lucky one yellow means your going to the adoption center the color white one you'll get euthanized" Exclaimed by the stray dog.

"Euthanized..? What is that is that some kind of medicine?" Shiro asked

"Close. . but is a drug that will make you die painlessly" replied

"WHAT! well that's not good i got to get out of here!" shiro said as he panic

"Calm down there Shori. You tag is yellow right mine's to so were safe we just have to wait until they pick us up into the adoption center. . "

"Its Shiro. . and for how long are we gonna stay here?" Shiro asked

"Not long until 3 hours. Don't worry you have an owner right once he found out your missing you free to go."stray dog replies

*Not really. my owner is in this world but working looking for destructions* said in his head 
"Hey what's your name i told you mine whats yours" Shiro asked

"My name? hmmm... its fluffy." Replied
"Fluffy? that's a funny name" Shiro exclaimed and laughed a bit

"HEY! its not my fault my owner was a little girl!" 

"Huh- figures want me to call you ray then? If that's cool" Shiro asked 

"Its cool. its kinda embarrassing for me to have that name... i'm going to sleep you should to were gonna be staying long for awhile" Ray/Fluffy exclaimed

Shiro then looked around more before falling asleep he talked to the other stray dog that was 
always shaking "Hey you whats your name?" the white shaking dog didn't responded and ignored his question. Shiro yawned and was about to fall asleep "I guess i'm staying here for a while" He fell asleep.

                                                                                                                           To be continued. . . .

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