"Adventure through New york city"

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Shiro was walking around the crowd of new york he had wondered why they are so many people
walking around all over the place he then saw a homeless man with a distinctive smell like the man have not taken a bath for a long time. Shiro look at the homeless man and interacted with him.

"Oh- well hello there fellow are you hungry? lost?"

Shiro look at him for a bit and got closer he sensed some sadness and troubles the
homeless man gave shiro a leftover sandwhich thinking the dog might be hungry.

"Here boy are you hungry? come on don't be shy fella."

Shiro didn't take the sandwhich and took pity to the homeless man shiro left and tried to find something that will help the man.

"H-hey! where you going?, i hope you find your owner!"

Shiro found a man with a black suit and a black square shape bag. Shiro looked at him and was doing something on a strange box he hears beeping noises and man in a black suit was typing and the strange box gave out a paper suit man took the paper and placed it into its pockets and left. Shiro thought of it strange and look around and saw a hotdog stand woman used the green paper and gave it to the vendor. it then gave the woman a hotdog.

Shiro then realized the papers where currencies sort of food trading shiro then remembers the black suited guy doing something on the strange box and the gave him a green paper currency
Shiro smelled the box and barked at it the strange box did nothing. Shiro was then interrupted by a stranger.

"Hey get out of here dog!"

Shiro stand backed and watched the stranger do something to the box. The stranger pulled out a card and put it on the box and the beeping noise again and the box gave the stranger money and took it the box gave the card back aswell. Stranger then left shiro stood up to the machine and see's a screen and bottons with number in it. Shiro then just left that it seems to complicated to get the money out of the box shiro went out in search for green paper so that he can help the troubled homeless man

(Shiro's mind:Hmm i wonder where i could get those green papers that this world use for currencies. Might aswell look around)

Shiro looked around until he saw a green paper laying in the ground it had a number in it 5 dollars. he then took it by putting it in its mouth and went to the hotdog stand Shiro arrived and stood up to the vendor and tried grabbing it attention.

"huh- Hey there doggy watcha you got there?"

Hot dog vendor notices a dog has a 5 dollar bill in its mouth

"You want a hotdog?" Shiro barked at him as a sign of saying yes.
"Well okay doggy"

The vendor then made 2 hotdogs and put it in a plastic and took the bill out of shiro's mouth
and gave shiro the plastic bag with the hotdogs in it. 

"Nice doing business with you dog"

Shiro left and went to find the old man

"Man i wish i have dog that can buy stuff from me" said the hotdog vendor.

Shiro found the homeless old man and went to him and gave him the 2 hotdogs inside the plastic bag.

"Ooh- you came back what is that you brought there?" *Takes it and notices 2 hotdogs*
"Oh how did you get this?" Shiro look at him and barked "Well i thank you for that. Did your owner gave you this to give it to me? how nice no one ever gave me food."

(Shiro's mind:No i bought it for you old man whatever what you think)

Old man gave the dog some pats.

"Your a good dog, would you like to share this hotdogs with me?"

Shiro then left as a sign of saying no

"Ah- i guess not goodbye fella" 

Shiro now then went to find a park to where he can run around freely on grass and play with other dogs if there are some. Shiro walked around the city and seemed not to find any park around he then arrives into a cafe he saw people working and talking to their strange technology. He went out farther to find the park until then saw the a gate out in the distance with fences. Shiro thinks that it must be the park so he went running but block by the cars
but it was to dangerous to crossed it so he began to look around where its safe to cross. He then found some people where was safe to cross it was a pedestrian lane.

By the way shiro unlike other dogs he can see normal colors like humans

Shiro was about to cross until a car beep a loud noise and he got startled by it he was confused as why he can't cross he looked up and see a red light. Shiro then now understands and waited when it turned green he crossed the road safely and went running to the gate when Shiro got there he then realized it wasn't a park it was just a gate that look like a park entrance with big building over it. Shiro was disappointed and went out to find the real park. 

Shiro was tired and found a place to rest or nap near a bread store. he then layed down and  took a nap one of the workers of the bread store saw the dog sleeping near it the woman worker noticed it and went outside to look at him she then goes inside and found a bowl and filled it with water and put it near shiro as he sleep woman left and started working again.

7 minutes later...

Shiro woke up and see a bowl of water right in its face he gladly drank it as he was thirsty the manager walked out to the store to take a smoke he then notice the dog was there drinking water manager walk to it and tried scaring the dog. Shiro didn't get startled

"Hey! get out of here theres no place for you to stay near my store get OUT!" 

Shiro just kept drinking not acknowlegding the existence of the manager. The manager got annoyed and was screaming at the dog. Shiro tho did not give a fuc about it and finished drinking the water manager was about to dropkick the dog but shiro dodge it and left.

                                                                                                       To be continued...........

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