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-4 HOURS LATER. . . -

Shiro's POV:
I woke up still in a cage locked up and the effects of the tranquilizer still hasn't worn off. . . I looked at my friend Ray the stray dog who talked to me hours ago i tried waking him up.

*Hey! Ray are you still there friend? Hey!* He wasn't responding i noticed the some of the cages
were less and no more barking noises the shaking dog beside's me was gone. I tried waking up Ray asked him why are some dogs are missing in the cage's.

*Hey! Ray wake up come on, Why are the dogs in the cages are missing HEY!* 
He wasn't waking up nor responding.

*HEY! I know you can hear me with this loud voice i'm screaming at you!*

One of the workers then took away Ray. Shiro's new friend that he just met few hours ago
"Hey that dog won't stop barking can you shut it up?" One of the workers exclaimed.

"eh.. let the guy bark lets get this dude to dog infirmary room." 2nd worker replied.

As the worker was about take Ray. Shiro noticed his tag was white therefore means
he's gonna get euthanized and die. . . Shiro then stop barking since he never had a dog friend
die in his grasp he was shocked. 
"A-a w-white tag. . . White tag. WHITE TAG" Shiro then had a flashback few hours ago

"Yellow mean your going to the adoption center. While the white tag means your gonna
get euthanized" 

"He lied to me. That damn stray dog lied to me! he said he had yellow tag" Shiro exclaimed in his head as the 2 workers about to leave.

"I need to do something. . . I-i can't let that happen to him and the other dogs in this building. I must let the dogs in this building ESCAPE!" Shiro's eyes turned bright orange and counter the effects of the tranquilizer making him able to break his cage. He started to ram the bars of the cage and one of the workers noticed it.

"Hey bro! that dog is trying to escape." 

"Don't worry about it get that dog to the vet infirmary. I'll handle that one"
 replied by
 the 2nd worker.

"alright" said the worker.

As shiro slowly breaks the bars of the cage the worker grab e stick that has a taser in the tip of it
"Hey! stop that stupid dog" Worker exclaimed as he thrust the taser stick into shiro. 

Shiro made a dog wimping sound and growl and continues to ram the cage "HEY STOP THAT!" said the worker. The worker did another thrust to shiro but grabbed it in time using his mouth.

"What the. . HEY let go to the stick BAd dog BaD Dog!" Worker said as he tries to pull it out.
shiro bite the stick firmly as the worker struggles to pull it out of its mouth.
"AAaahh let go you stupid-" as the worker could finished his sentence shiro lets go the stick and the worker trips and fall causing his head back of the head hit the cages in the back. 

"WOoo aaaAAhh.. Augh!" worker now then fell unconscious on the ground.

"Heh- that what you get for tasing me with a stick." Shiro exclaimed as he broke out free
he then hurried to the door and saw Ray was carried by a worker and walking out through the door.

The worker was then humming while he carries the dog through the dog infirmary vet room
Ray had finally woken up and can already know that he is getting euthanized. "heh- i guess its to 
die my dog life is over. ."
Said in his head. Shiro then was following them behind and he was running fast into them he couldn't catch up as the worker unlocks the self locking door.

That lead to the Dog infirmary room the door open then the worker goes in and place ray in a cold table and prepare's. As the door was gonna get close and lock itself shiro slide down in his belly and used his paw to prevent the door closing.

"HA! i beat you this time door"

Shiro went in the room he saw ray was in the table the place was dark with only a lamp on table as the only light source shiro hid around the dark space and the worker couldn't see him. He climbed up the shelf and waited for the right time.
"The table is cold. . I guess this are my final moments" Ray exclaimed as he waits to get euthanized.

As the worker was done preparing the needle he turns over and ready to euthanized Ray
"Goodbye doggy and you'll be dog meat for the black market hehehahaha.."
Shiro jumps into the back of the worker and the needle fell in his hands.

"AH! what the. . . YOU!" shiro does a twirl back kick causing the worker go unconscious 

"Wake up Ray! wake up!" Shiro said to Ray as he woke up him up

"What- the you! how'd you escaped?" Ray asked

"I rammed through"  Shiro answered

"You rammed through? What the hec is your body made out of. Steel?" Ray exclaimed

"Can you get up?"

"I can but i can't run the tranquilizer hasn't worn off. . Now that you stop that guy from euthanizing me what are you gonna do?"
Ray asked

"Were gonna escape! and so all the other dogs here." Shiro replied

"Whaa- That's impossible you can't do that" 

"Yes i can! all we have to do is the find the control room and press a button"
Shiro exclaimed

"Whatever you say."

And there they went to find the control room. As they go through each hallway and shiro fought off the Dog catchers the found a sign that leads through the control room.

"Hey! Shiro over here that sign says controll room" Ray said

"Alright lets go!"

They went to the door of the control room which is locked.

"Stand back pal." Shiro exclaimed

"huh?" Shiro rammed the door very hard causing the door to break 

"What the hec has the owner been feeding you. You rammed the door broke open!"

They went inside and almost the guard was knocked unconscious because of the door hit him as he was about to open the door.

Shiro went up on the table and sees the dogs in cages through the camera's "Hey look a button that say unlocked all cages!"

"I don't like where this is going. ." Ray exclaimed as shiro pressed the button and the dog cages were unlocked and the dogs did some havoc to the place and was going crazy.

"Ok now we just blow a hole in the wall in that room and all dogs has escape!" Shiro said

"Blow a hole? How are we gonna blow a hole.??"

"You'll find that out later! let's go" as they left the room Ray stopped suddenly

"Hey! why'd you stopped?" Shiro asked and sees atleast 10 dog catchers on the hallway with nets and tranquilizers. 


Ray said as they run fast while the dog catchers tries to catch up to them. They arrived the place where the dogs 

"WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!!" workers said as they get dominated by the dogs.

Shiro closes the door and ray pushed down a shelf to prevent door from opening

"Come on!" Shiro said while the workers were screaming in the background

"Is this the wall?" Ray asked

"Yea time to blow this wide open!" Shiro answered

"Know how are you gon-" before ray could finished his sentence shiro fired a lazer beam out of its mouth and shot a hole in the wall causing the dogs to stop havoc and saw light.

"FREEEDOMMM!!" Random stray dog said

As all of the dogs ran outside and escaped the place so did ray and shiro

Ray asked shiro shockingly

"THat was ESCAPIST" Shiro said.

                                                                                                      To be continued. . . .

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