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Somewhere outside new york Shiro stumble upon a neighborhood

Shiro was in a road of the town looking like a stray they're were kids playing in the road as Shiro walks past them some are gardening, watering plants etc. Shiro walks in the sidewalk as he stumble upon a kid getting bullied by the other kids

"HAHA- Your such a loser doesn't have a bike!" The bully said

The kids were laughing at him as they teased him more because he doesn't a bike and couldn't afford one.

"Maybe of you weren't so poor you Mom could have bought you one! HAHAHAHAHA-" 

The kid was tearing up as they left him in the ground as Shiro watched the whole thing. Shiro walked up to the kid and look at him crying.

"Sniff- W-why can't i make friends. . . Why am i always the one who's getting last picked. This is
not fair! If mom bought me a bike i could make friends! ITS NOT FAIR-"

The kid stood and ran away from home. Shiro didn't bother following as he was trying to go back to New york to find the Dog Park, As the kid ran back to his home he went upstairs to his bedroom crying in the bed with his face on the pillow. His mother saw him go up stairs as she was looking through her past due payments and was having a hard time since the husband left her. Shiro was still lost to where New york is and so saw some stray cats on the neighborhood he didn't was to cause attention and make a ruckus again since the alleyway.

Shiro walks past the cat where it was on a porch napping but it open its left eye and suspects the dog walking around the sidewalks it decided to greet the dog and she stretches her body. The
cat followed Shiro and Shiro knows he is being followed he looked behind and cat wasn't 
there and so he continued walking and walking till he stop in the concrete wall and
the cat was there laying as she stares and a smirk.

"Hello- Are you a newcomer? Haven't seen you around here in the neighborhood you must be new here."

"What are you talking about?" Shiro asked

"Huh? What am i talking about? Are you lost?" Cat answered

"I'm not lost"

"If your not then you must be a newcomer-" She said

"But- i am not"

"Huh??? Your confusing me Dog whats your name by the way i'm Amelia the black cat the neighbors think i'm bad luck because i'm black which is very rude by its humans i don't really 
care what they say i have a owner that takes care of me. So whats your name?" The cat asked

"I'm Shiro and i'm trying to find the dog park where my owner takes me everytime we wanna walk."

"Dog park? Sorry break it to you but there is none here in the neighborhood."

"Not here the one called place New york" Shiro exclaimed 

"HUH?! NEW YORK! Sorry mate but you'll need your owner to take you there if your gonna go there from here to there is very far away. If only we could talk to humans"

"What do you mean far? Where am i?"

"Huh? Are you from a different country you should know since your owner brought you here to your new home! What are you stupid?" Cat Exclaimed

"What are you talking about i didn't move here!" He replied

"HUH?! So your a stray? ? ?"

"N-no i'm not i have a collar you see?"

Shiro shows his collar to the cat meaning he is not a stray cat suspect something suspicious to the dog and asked questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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