Chapter Seven

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"He said 'you'll always be my little girl' before he left me 5 year old me and I didn't see him again for 10 years when I found him at the tavern he owns" I said and accidentally crushed the glass that was in my hand. I winced at the pain. And looked down to see shards of glass in my hand. "Magne can you go take her to Mr. compress so he can take the glass out?" Kurogiri asked her. "Of course. Come on" she said and lead me down the hall.

"I could have found his room on my own big sis" I said. "If I can help them I will" she said and I noticed her still wearing sunglasses. "If you don't mind me asking why are you still wearing sunglasses?" I asked. "I just always leave them on but most people assume I'm a guy either way" she responded and I could tell I shouldn't have asked. "Look if I'm honest your more of a woman than me" I said to her.

Meliodas pov

"One day I wanna I have your kids" Liz said. "Oh and how many do you want?" I asked from between her legs. I was laying on my back looking up at her. "Two at least. A boy and a girl so they will always have each other if for some reason we can't be there" she looked down at me. "And our daughter you look exactly like you I'm not sure about our son though" I smiled as she talked about our future kids.

"I can see you teaching them how to use a sword and yelling at me to not turn them into pervs like me" I said and she stroked my hair. "I can see you becoming super protective when it comes to dating" she laughed. "We'd have to approve of their significant others" I replied. "I'd let's any of the other sins date them. I feel like Diane or King would be perfect for our daughter and Merlin or Escanor maybe Gowther for our son" she said.

"Nah Gowther would an option for our daughter and maybe ban for either" I suggested. "Ban still in love with someone though" she pointed out. "If they're  hot I'd consider it" ban said sitting in front of us. "Actually I take it back ban wouldn't be allowed to date either" I said looking at the drunk sin. "Captain why are you talking about us and your future kids?" The giantess asked.

"Diane if we had a daughter would you date her or if we had a son?" Liz asked. "I'm not sure. I'd probably say no only because it's be weird to watch someone grow up then date them" she responded. "What's your guy's opinion then?" I asked the others. "Depends on them. I won't say yes because what if we don't get along like me and ban and I won't say no because we might be great friends who eventually fall in love you never know" king said. "Probably not" was all Gowther said. Merlin and Escanor never answered.

Flashback over
Y/n's pov

"How much to fix it?" I asked a man. "500" he responded. 'I guess this close to the kingdom anyone would want that much'. "Ah never mind" I said and left. I decided to find a someone else. I noticed a man and who I assume is his mom and I noticed the swords. I walked over to them. "How much of fix my blade?" I asked. "We'll do it for free" the woman said.

"Thank you but I'll pay I can" I said. "We don't mind doing it for free" the man said. "Are you sure?" I asked feeling a bit bad. "Of course" he said. "Alright" I said and gave them my sword. "Give me an hour" the woman said.

Flashback over
Y/n's pov

"Try not to make it a habit to crush your glass since I might not be able to help next time" Mr compress said wrapping my hand. "I'll try but I can't make any promises" I said and he let out a small laugh. "Do you miss Buritania?" He asked. "Kinda. It's nice to be away but it's my home you know? I do miss my dad some and a few of my friends but I'm also enjoying being with you guys" I said stood up.

"If you ever want to go back I'm sure Kurogiri would make a warp gate to send you back" he said. "I think for now I want to stay here but maybe in a few months I'll look into that offer" I said and waved to him before walking out of his room. Magne left after walking me to Mr compresses room.

I walked back to the main area and sat on a bar stool. I noticed the glass was gone. "I would have cleaned that when I got back" I said looking at Kurogiri. "I don't mind. I normally have to clean up after them anyways" he said. He truly is like the mom of the lov. I noticed Spinner, Toga, and Dabi were gone. "Where are they?" I asked.

"Proving themselves" Shiggy said. "Huh?" I tilted my head confused. Before I got a response they came though a warp gate with a blonde boy. 'He's cute but not at cute as toga'. "Himiko I missed you!" I wrapped my arms around her. "We weren't gone that long" Dabi said sitting down while cuff things were put on the boy and he was strapped to a chair.

"I missed you too" she said. After we broke the hug she went behind the bar and I walked up to him. "Is he a new guy?" I asked. "No he's a UA student" dabi said. "What's UA?" I asked since that hadn't been explained yet. "It's a hero school" spinner said. "Oh so he's a hero in training. Neat! Hey what's your quirk" I was a little excited about meeting a hero.

"Who the hell are you?!?" He growled. 'So he's like an aggressive dog'. "Hey what kinda of dog is cute but aggressive?" I asked spinner. "A pomeranian or chihuahua why?" He responded. "Sir your now know as an angry Pomeranian" I said and flashed him a smile. "You didn't answer my fucking question" he barked surprisingly madder than before.

(A/n- I've already started chapter eight and considering I have to be quarantined till the 30th due to being exposed to covid I should finish it soon but who knows with me. If you want to know the results of my second test I'll mention it Thursday. The over the counter one said negative but we don't know if it was too early to tell of not. Sorry about telling y'all about something you don't care about)

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