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I'm going to be totally honest. I may have rushed the ending a lot but I have so many other ideas and so little time to do them so I thought I may as well put this story out of it's 'updates-every-two-months' misery. 

Video: Cover of Destiny's Child Cater 2 U because it's just so Richie.

References: Marty McFly is the main character of an American classic, Back to the Future. He uses a DeLorean as his time traveling car. 

“Freshman year, Troy,” Richie sat on his son’s bed while he picked out an outfit the night before his first day of school, “How do you feel?”

“In all honesty, I feel like I’m going to end up punching some dumbass senior,” he threw a black polo on the bed. He went through his closet, looking at clothes one by one. Troy was already taller than Richie at 5’7, muscles already forming in his wiry limbs.

Richie groaned, “Troy, we went over this. You can’t just punch whoever you want.”

“But it works out so well for me,” he grinned his signature grin. The one where you could see his razor sharp canines and can’t help thinking that he’s the sweetest kid ever. “Just punch them once and they won’t bother you anymore. And if they do, you can just punch them again. Simple solution to a simple problem.”

Richie sighed, “How did you turn into such a trouble-maker?”

“I totally blame dad. It is, hands down, his fault. Black jeans or dark blue?” Troy held two pairs of jeans for Richie to see.

“Dark blue.”

“K,” he threw the jeans on the bed and the other pair on the floor, “black and white sneakers or black and blue?”

“Black and blue.”

“Gots it,” Troy laid out his outfit neatly on the bed with his black and blue sneakers at the foot of the bed, “What do you think? Too nerdy?”

Richie chuckled, “It looks good, Troy.”

Troy groaned, “No, it’s too nerdy. And now I have to wear these stupid glasses. The guys are going to make fun of me.”

“It looks good Troy,” Richie insisted while trying to hold back laughter, “You’ll be the cutest boy in school.”

“No, girls don’t want the cutest, they want the hottest,” Richie listened with amusement as his youngest schooled him on how to attract girls, “If you look cute, you’re bound to get friend-zoned. It happened to Venice last year. I’m not letting it happen to me. I’ll ask Rachel, she would understand.” Troy opened his door and yelled, “RACH, I need you.”

Rachel came into the room a second later and glared at Troy, “What?” Her curly brown hair fell over her shoulders and she was already in a tank top and tiny shorts, her favorite form of pajamas. Not that Troy could really complain since he walked around the house in nothing but boxers half the times.

“Outfit,” he pointed at the clothes on his bed, “Yay or nay?”

“Yay, it looks good,” she admitted with a shrug.

“Really?” Troy insisted, “You’re not just saying that?”

Rachel rolled her eyes, “Trust me, Troy, I wouldn’t just say that to be nice.”

“So it’s really looks good,” Troy asked again, taking a step back to look at it, “It’s like Marty McFly good? Like, hop in the DeLorean, type of fly?”

Rachel hummed thoughtfully, “Where’s your gold chain?”

“Got it,” Troy hopped over his bed to his night stand picked up the chain that still gleamed like it did the day he begged his dad to buy it. He placed over the collar of his polo. As soon as he stepped back, his eyes were opened to the secrets of the universe.

“The swagger,” he cheered, “Thanks, Rach. This is perfect.”

“RACH,” another shout sounded down the hall, “I need you.”

 Troy, being one to always antagonize, yelled back at Venus, “You’re a sophomore. No one care what you wear.”

“Shut up, Troy,” she yelled back.

“No, you shut up.”

“No, you shut up.”

“You both shut up,” the booming voice of Richie’s husband made the whole house shutter and fall silent.

Then, as if planned, they both yelled in response, “Sorry, dad.”

Richie shook his head at them though he couldn’t escape the urge to smile. As much as his kids have grown and matured, they haven’t changed at all. They still drove their father crazy on purpose and on accident but as much as Tyler complained, he loved it. He loved hearing the way they loved each other, so much that they couldn’t leave each other alone.  

“Richie,” little Bonnie came waddling into the room in her bright pink feety pajamas. The six year old glared at Troy purposefully before falling right into Richie’s arms. She took after Rachel with bouncy copper hair but her hazel eyes switched to olive green every so often.  

He lifted her to his lap and cooed, “Sorry, baby, did your siblings wake you up?”

She nodded furiously.

“Aw, let’s get you back into bed,” she automatically wrapped her arms around his neck, silently demanding to be carried back.

Rachel stopped him on his way out the door with a hand on his arm, “Can you come look at my outfit after you put her back in bed?”

“Of course, baby,” he kissed her forehead tenderly. “I’ll be right there.”

Then he was going to join his husband in bed and sleep soundly, knowing that the morning was going to be just as chaotic.

 Vote if you went crazy trying to find an outfit for your first day of Freshmen year. I know I did.

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