Chapter 5

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I've read this chapter... And reread it... And reread it... And I'm pretty sure that it sucks but I don't know. I'm suffering from 'I Think I Suck' disease so I can't even tell...

If it does suck, just don't say anything...

Gosh, I am just a bottle of sunshine today...


So, seduce his boss.

There's a number of things wrong with that plan.

1. His boss is married.

2. His boss has had four kids with the woman he married.

3. It's his boss.

4. His boss is very much straight, even if he's a total tease.

But Ced said it may go better than he expects so the pros and cons are weighing up pretty evenly.

Richie laughed at his mental sarcasm and shook his head. He didn't even know why he was thinking about this. He already decided to not do it. Sure, that's the cowardly path but it's also the moral one. This wasn't exactly a situation to conveniently forget morals.

"Hey, Rich, what are you thinking about?"

Richie realized that he was staring at a blank screen and looked up at Greg. "Oh, nothing," he sighed, "Nothing at all."

"It doesn't seem like nothing," Greg said with obvious concern. "What's up?"

"It's nothing," Richie smiled reassuringly, "But thanks for asking, Greg."

"No problem. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here. Even if it's about the cute boy you're interested in," Greg winked playfully.

Richie laughed, "I wouldn't force you to listen to me fawn over a boy.  Besides, I can fawn over him as much as I want but that doesn't mean I'll get him."

Greg smirked knowingly, "Delroe?"

"Shut up," Richie pouted, "How did you know?"

Instead of answering, Greg laughed and shook his head. "I'm not going to tell you not to go for him but tread carefully."

"You actually think I should try," Richie asked, shocked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Um, he's married for starters."

Greg snorted, "That's not exactly working out."

"He's straight?"

He shrugged, "I have a feeling Delroe never really labeled his sexuality. Everyone else did."

"Why would you say that?"

"This is just a speculation but usually people who are indifferent about the sexuality of others are indifferent about their own."

"Oh." Richie sat in near trepidation, "You're basically telling me that I have no reason not to try."

Greg nodded, "Pretty much."

"No, no, no," Richie shook his head frantically, "I can't. What if... What if I ruin his life? Get his kids ripped away from him?"

Greg sighed, "There's going to be risk if he does agee to be in a relationship with you and he knows that. Why don't you let him decide whether he's going to take them or not?"

"Because," Richie set his eyes on the ground, "I don't want to be a risk."

"Oh," Greg immediately softened and thought about what he could say next. This wasn't exactly a simple situation no matter how much he tried to insist it was. He could easily see both Tyler and Richie getting hurt if they pursued a relationship. However, he grew up believing that true love defeats all. Maybe they weren't in love quite yet but they would be soon. Or maybe he was being ridiculously optimistic but he couldn't help thinking that they would have that happily ever after. A humble beauty like Richie and a, well, beast like Tyler were bound to have a happy ending. "I'll put it this way. If you truly like each other then no witch curse or angry villagers can tear you apart."

Try Me (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora