Chapter 7

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Troy woke up first and found himself in the most embarrassing position on the face of the earth. He was hugging his sister. Gross.

He immediately detached himself and moved as far away as possible but back right up into Venus. He took a moment to access the situation. Blocked on both ends by sleeping bears. Time to take alternative route. Stealth mission B.E.D. is a go.

Troy inched straight down to the other end of the best and stepped off the bed cautiously, careful to not make the floorboards creak. They creaked anyway but when he made it to the door without awaking his sisters, he counted the mission as a success. Troy shuffled down the stairs with cereal on his mind but the moment a heavenly scent assaulted his nose, cereal was the farthest thing from his mind. Without a thought, Troy sped down the stairs to the kitchen. He hardly even noticed the stranger standing at the stove. All he saw was the bacon frying.

“Food,” Troy exclaimed excitedly.

The stranger laughed, “Yes, Troy, food. Do you want some?”

“More than anything,” He was already salivating just from the smells.

“Come sit at the table, I’ll make you a plate.”

Troy obeyed readily and bounced his seat as a plate of eggs, sausages, hash browns, toast, and grits were placed in front of him. He didn’t waste a second but dug in with the dining manners of a starving raccoon.  

Richie laughed as he watched Troy eat. He imagined the girls would have much better manners.

“Who are you?” Richie looked up from Troy, who hadn’t stopped for a second, to look at the two girls in nightgowns, standing at the door.

Venus tried to stare at the stranger curiously but her stomach was reacting at the sight of food. A ravenous growl escaped her stomach and she blushed slightly. “Sorry.”

The stranger smiled affectionately at her, “No, don’t worry, darling. Come sit down, I’ll make plates for the two of you, then I’ll explain.”

She agreed to the deal readily and settled in a seat beside Troy. Although Rachel was hesitant, her own stomach drove her forward to take a seat and wait eagerly for her plate. The two dug in as soon as it was set before them. After a few minutes of devouring food, Rachel looked up from her plate, “So who are you?”

The corners of Richie’s mouth jerked up in an adoring smile, “I’m Richard Manning, a friend of your father. You can call me Richie. He had to go to work today so I said I’d stay here with you.”

“Oh,” she frowned. A part of her was hoping to see their father in the morning but having his friend was far better than being alone. “Don’t we have to go to school today?”

Richie shrugged, smiling, “I just figured that you guys would like a day off from school but don’t tell your dad. He thinks I woke you guys up and took you to school.”

“Yay, no school,” Troy cheered.

Laughing, Richie picked up Troy’s licked-clean plate and dropped it in the sink. “Yep, so you guys have four options. We can go to the museum, aquarium, zoo, or arcade.”

“Zoo,” Venus shouted, “I want to go to the zoo.”

Troy nodded, finally agreeing with his sister on something, “Yeah, the zoo.”

“Okay, zoo, zoo,” Richie looked at Rachel, “What do you say, hon?”

Rachel smiled bashfully, “I’d like to go to the zoo too. Thank you, Mr. Manning.”

“Richie,” he corrected her, “Call me Richie.”

“Richie,” she repeated, “Thank you, Richie.”

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