Chapter 4

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Tyler kept his word and was waiting in the parking lot at nine o'clock. Richie scrambled hastily into the truck and Tyler pulled off. The ride was drowned in awkward silence and it dawned on Richie that Tyler was always the one to start the conversations. He had no idea what to say to the man outside of their arguments. He didn't even know if he wanted to say anything and risk bypassing the boundaries between boss and employee. Not that they weren't already very close to doing so. He had never heard of a person's boss acting as a personal chauffeur for them. Even Cedric was shocked by the turn of events when they spoke the night before.

Richie inspected Tyler's face while he drove, carving into mind every frown line in sight. His boss was actually a handsome man when he wasn't making snide comment.

"I know what you're thinking but sorry, I'm a married man."

Richie sputtered and gaped, a blush crept up on him.

Tyler took a look at his face and laughed. "Wait, were you really thinking that you'd do me?"

"No," Richie scoffed, "Why do you have to be so vulgar?"

"I'm not the one staring at a guy like I want to eat him."

"I was not staring at you like that," Richie said indignantly, "I was just thinking about... Your kids. I was curious about what your kids look like."

Tyler said sarcastically, "Is that so?"

"Yes," he lied, "How many kids do you have anyway?"

"Four, three girls and a boy."

"Wow, what's their names?"

"Rachel, Venus, Bonnibel, and Troy."

"How old are they?"

"Rachel is ten, Venus is eight, Troy is seven, and Bonnie is two months."

"What do they look like?"

"Why are you asking twenty questions about my kids? You're not planning to kidnap them, are you? Because Troy and Venus can be a major pain in the ass so I don't think it's worth it."

"Of course not," Richie laughed, "I can't wait to have kids of my own. I hope to find someone to settle down with and adopt kids. You know, live the classic happily ever after."

"Getting married and having kids isn't exactly the fairytale ending that you're imagining," Tyler sighed heavily, "Actually, it's just brings a new set of problems."

Richie grimaced, "I guess you're hinting towards your life."

Tyler just shrugged. "Life, you know? Doesn't always work out the way you expect it to."

Richie nodded understandingly.


"Hey, Richie," Richie looked up to see one of the only people that didn't change their attitude after hearing about his sexuality. Greg was a few inches taller than Richie with messy black hair and thick glasses that nearly hid slighted slanted eyes. "Are you done with the Finley documents?"

"Nearly done," Richie replied with a smile, "Just give me a minute."

"No problem," Greg leaned his hip on Richie's desk, "So how has things been going?"

Richie shrugged, "Could be worst. Mr. Delroe is such a nice guy, I can't believe he's giving me a ride back and forth from work. I totally had him pegged wrong."

Greg chuckled, "You're one of the few people who get to see that. Especially with everything that's happening with his home life. I'm starting to think that being around you has had a therapeutic effect on him."

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