Chapter 8

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I'm pretty sure no one was looking for this update but I felt like I owned it to the story to update it. Sorry if you were waiting for it. 


When Richie first left his hometown, he would have never imagined that he would end up playing ‘mommy’ for his boss’s kids. He had even adjusted his work schedule around them. A week into caring for them, Richie had practically moved into the house. The Delroe home gained a semblance of domesticity as Richie took over the ‘mommy’ position. His relationship with Tyler became more and more natural by the day. Their interaction became more comfortable than breathing.

A couple of weeks later, Richie and Tyler were in Tyler’s study when Troy's voice rings throughout the house. "Richie, Richie, Richie!"

Tyler groaned, his voice heavy with annoyance, "Oh no, Troy's coming."

Richie chuckled, "I don't see why you guys are so hard on him. He's cute."

"Even when he's calling your name like that?"

"Even when he's calling my name like that," Richie confirmed, a smile planted firmly on his face.

Troy bust through the study door thoughtlessly and nearly shouted, "Richie, I want cake."

Richie blinked in surprise, "You want me to make a cake?"

Troy's mouth hung open in evident shock, "You can make a cake?" The concept was completely foreign to him seeing how his mother never cooked more than necessary and Tyler never stepped foot in the kitchen. His love for Richie only grew with the discovery.

Richie chuckled, "Yep. What type of cake would you like?"

Troy's eyes lit up with glee, "Chocolate."

"Okay," Richie nods, "Chocolate it is."

"Rach, Venus," Troy turned and ran back out the door, yelling, "Richie is going to make a chocolate cake."

The two other girls were up the stairs before Richie could blink. Both their faces blossomed into huge smiles.

"Really?" Rachel said, her usual composure far gone, "You're making a cake?"

He looked at each of the sunny little faces and asked thoughtfully, "Why don't we make a cake together?"

The idea made Troy cheer but Venus frowned and said, "Troy can't make a cake, he throws everything around." Instead of being shocked like he felt like he should be, Richie grinned and shook his head. That seemed exactly like something Troy would do.

Troy pouted, "I don't throw everything around, just eggs. Eggs are cool because when you throw them, they make a crunch splat sound."

"But you wouldn't know, right, Troy?" Tyler said with his air of authority, "Because you don't throw eggs around."

"Me? Throw an egg?" Troy said incredulously with an air of nervousness, "No way, not me. I've never seen an egg in my life, I've never even heard of an egg. Richie, what's an egg?" His innocent honey brown eyes gazed up imploringly at Richie.

Richie laughed, "Troy, you're adorable."

Troy smiled gleefully, "Yeah, dad, I'm just an adorable egg not-thrower. I don't even know what an egg is."

Richie couldn't help but notice how Rachel grinned mischievously, "Well, Troy, an egg is inside a girl and-"

"Hey, wait a second," Richie's and Tyler's words merged together in their common panic, "That's a talk for another day -millennia-. How do you even know about that?"

Try Me (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora