Chapter Six: Meeting the family.

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“Please, Seth!” Savannah begged her friend but he shook his head insistently.

“No way! I ain’t letting you do it, baby. If your mum finds out she’ll have my hide for it.” He said and Savannah stiffened.

“I’m an adult. I can do whatever I want. I don’t need my mother’s permission.” She said and Seth laughed.

“Feed that line to someone who doesn’t know you.” He said and Savannah’s hand clenched.

“Sometimes I just want to rip your head off.” She snapped and Seth sighed.

“Look, baby, I understand I d…” He started saying but Savannah turned her back on him.

“I’m never taking to you again. But I will get this job and if you won’t give it to me then Dave will.” She said and then she ran to the storeroom where David was.

“Don’t you dare!” Seth shouted and ran after her but she reached there and banged the door on his face, bolting it. David smiled and made place for her to sit.

“Sometimes you two fight like babies.” He said laughing and Savannah grunted.

“I’m gonna strangle him someday.” She snapped and though he smiled he tutted at her.

“You keep your hands off my boyfriend, missy.” He warned.

“So? Will you give me the job?” She demanded. Savannah was gonna go crazy if he said no, she knew that. It had been so long since she had been trying to get a job without luck. She would rather die than ask her mother for money bartending was her last resort.

“Yeaah, about that. I don’t think I can. Seth’s not agreeable and I don…” Savannah was gonna interrupt him but before she could Seth banged on the door.

“Do NOT say yes!” He shouted and Savannah’s hands clenched again. She was furious now! These were her friends for god’s sake and they were scared of her mother! She walked to the door and wrenched it open.

“What’s your problem?” She demanded and Seth sighed.

“Savannah, it’s like I don’t want to give you the job but this is not what you’re meant to do! You sing, dammit. Why don’t you find something related to that!” He demanded.

“You think I haven’t tried? You think I haven’t knocked on almost every pub I could find here and almost begged them to listen to my CD?! I need a job, man!” She shouted at him and Seth flinched.

“No, you don’t. You have enough money for the three of us! Why don’t you enjoy that?!” He demanded again and she stiffened.

“I don’t have the money, Seth. My mother does. And her money is not mine. It’s Olivia’s and she enjoys it for the both of us.” Savannah said quietly and then she walked out of his bar.

She was frustrated and annoyed and irritated and angry and the worst part was that there was nothing she could do about it. Since the day she had lost her head at Amy’s everything had gone wrong and she didn’t know what had made her react like that. Well maybe she did. It had been Damon patronizing her she had lost her head big time that day. She still remembered what had happened on that road, it was so embarrassing. She didn’t know what had possessed her to shout and tell him all those things about her family but at that time she had thought that he was going to hit her and that had brought all the memories rushing back which she had suppressed to nightmares only. Savannah hadn’t had the strength to see Damon after that even when he had told her that he would wait for her the next day at Seth’s. She opened the door of her place, tears in her eyes and the first thing she saw were the unusually beautiful yellow and blue carnations Damon had send her the next day and her lip wobbled. Damon was making her feel things she knew she wouldn’t ever, Damon made her smile and he made her want. She walked to her room and her hand pulled out the card he had sent along with her flowers and she gave a tender smile again.

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