Chapter Eight: The Moment Of Truth.

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“Mia, I can’t go!” Savannah said desperately but Mia Adams just looked at her and gave her a you-can-plead-all-you-want-but-I-ain’t-budging look. And being her best friend Savannah knew that once she gave that look no amount of pleas would ever let her get out.

“Please! I can’t face .. face .. him!” Savannah said and Mia’s look hardened.

“You need to see him, Savannah! Hell, you need to punch the daylights out of him. I mean look at you! You look absolutely beautiful and yet you don’t want to go because of that bastard. You need to show him that he has no hold over you. And say his name for god’s sake!” Mia said, exasperated but tears formed in Savannah’s eyes. She felt bitter and humiliated. Everyone thought it would be so easy to look someone who broke her heart in the eye and smile and no one was willing to understand what agony it would be for her, how painful to see him hanging onto her sister’s arm and mock her, how humiliating it would be to introduce Damon to someone she desperately loved.

“Mia.” Savannah whispered and Mia came and took her in her arms.

“Savannah, you are strong and you are over him. Hell, you were never in love with him in the first place!” Mia said and Savannah pushed her away.

“Mia! How can you even say that to me?!” Savannah sounded horrified and Mia grunted.

“Oh, god. Look, I always wanted to tell you this but you never seemed ready but now, you are. I know you think you loved Jack but baby, you were in love with love itself! After what your father and mother and that stupid bitch of a sister did to you Jack was like an angel to you. He pretended, Savannah. He always did. He knew you were Harry’s daughter. And when he realized that you were dreaming way beyond and he couldn’t possibly fulfill your fantasies he went ahead and ..” Mia was saying but stopped when she heard Savannah’s sob.

“Mia, don’t.” She said broken.

“No you have to listen to this. You have to get over him once and for all. Savannah I know he hurt you but that was because of your pride! He couldn’t marry you and he knew that. I heard him tell Olivia that he wasn’t ready to give up his independence and that’s why I came to tell you and Savannah I’m so sorry, you can never imagine how sorry, for leading you there to see that scene. I never knew he would start having sex with your sister, Savannah but I don’t regret it. I never did and I never will. It’s good riddance, Savannah.” Mia said and Savannah couldn’t get a word out. Images were flowing in her mind, she remembered how she had seen Jack and Olivia in bed, moaning and groaning each others name and then Jack following her, telling her how sorry he was, how he had mistook Olivia to be her. Savannah couldn’t breathe, she whirled around and she froze.

“Damon.” She choked.

Damon stood there listening, he stood there and listened to every word the woman was saying and a fury gripped him, he looked at Savannah, her head bowed, sobbing and her friend telling her how lucky she was while she choked back her sobs and he became angrier by the minute. He couldn’t breathe and he had to get out of there and just as she whirled around their eyes clashed and Savannah froze.

“You are coming with me.” Damon growled down at her and her friend stepped in.

“Just who the hell are YOU?” She demanded and Damon growled down at her, too.

“I’m her date and I’m here to take her to the ball.” He said each word with difficulty and the woman’s, Mia’s, eyes widened.

“He is the guy?” She whirled and demanded off Savannah and she nodded and then she ran from the room.

“Savannah!” Mia called but she didn’t even falter, she just ran away and Damon swore, Savannah had made a habit of running away from him but not now. She couldn’t leave him now, he left a bewildered Mia behind and took after her.

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