Chapter Eleven: Oh yes, its love.

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this one is for Nihaar, for bringing the magic back. 

thankyou! :D  

Life was hell. And these were the three words that could describe Savannah’s life to it’s very literal sense. She couldn’t believe that it had been two weeks and Damon had still not tried to contact her or meet her. And she didn’t know if he would appreciate her making that effort.

So, she didn’t. She just sat in her cramped flat with Mia hovering over her day after day looking for a new job because her supposed best friend, Seth, had fired her the day he came back.

“What the hell did you think you were doing?! When Damon told me I wanted to flay you alive, Savannah!” Savannah knew that Seth had taken this is the worst way imaginable because he was calling her Savannah in his mightier-than-thou voice.

“Just please listen, Seth! I didn’t do it intentionally, okay? I was aggravated and drunk and Mia ..” but before she could finish Seth cut in.

“Mia! God, that friend of yours will get you killed one of these days! And what do you mean you were drunk?! If you were drunk you could’ve puked all over the bloody place but instead YOU GAVE DAMON A LAP DANCE!” He shouted the last part and Savannah wanted the earth to open and gobble her.

“Just .. I don’t ..” She searched for some words that could justify her ‘lap dance’ but nothing could and she knew it.

“You are fired.” Seth said in a steely voice and her head snapped up.

“Did Damon tell you to fire me?!” she demanded and Seth looked as if he was restraining himself from physically harming her.

“No, you ass! He called me to come back early and look after you! But I will not have this kind of behavior in my bar! I should never have let you work here in the first place.” He mumbled the last part and that was the one that hurt her more that Damon’s warning.

“You cannot talk to me like that! I made one mistake, okay? A mistake that every freaking person enjoyed, just so you know.” She shouted back at him and his jaw tightened.

“Now you listen to me, missy. You had NO ..” he started but Savannah had had enough. Tears were threatening to flow out of her eyes and for the first time she didn’t want Seth to see them.

“No, you listen to me! Do you think I enjoyed that?! Do you think I enjoyed it when people were peering and leering at me?! I most certainly did not! And I’m really sorry for what I did but you of all the people should not talk to me like this! I know I made a mistake but I’m entitled to them, aren’t I?! I’m just sorry, okay.” She shouted and then ran out of the bar.

This had been exactly nine days ago and after that neither Seth nor Damon had not sent her even an insignificant IM. She sighed and her shoulder drooped. She was just going to pick up the phone for the two-hundredth time to pretend calling Damon when her phone actually rang and her hand froze.

She knew hoping that it would be Damon was insane for she did and when she said hello, she held her breath.

“Savannah?” It was Seth and though she was disappointed she couldn’t help but smile.

“Yeah.” She said in a wobbly voice and actual tears rolled down her eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby. I really didn’t mean to hurt you but you scared me that day, Savannah.” He said quietly and she sniffed.

“I’m so so sorry, Seth. You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to talk to you these past nine days but I thought you would probably kill me if I called you. I’m so sorry.” She said and she heard Seth’s groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2011 ⏰

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