Chapter Ten: The Sexy Silk.

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A/N: Wow, I need to upload more, right? Ok, this author's note comes before because I wanna say that while you read this chapter listen to the song Sexy Silk by Jessi J side by side. It's the sexiest song I've ever heard! 

Oh oh and notice the new cover?! It's by Amelie who's also been dedicated this chapter and she is awesome! So read her stuff and just drop by her profile if you guys need covers!  


Damon sat at the corner booth at Seth’s bar and saw Savannah run around the place taking orders. He hated the fact that he hid from her, from the day she had started working and Damon had seen her in that clinging, low-cut, unbelievably sexy waitress dress he knew she was going to land in trouble and he just couldn’t resist coming here to look after her every day for the last 4 days, he almost regretted making Seth give her the job but he told himself that it was because he was Seth’s friend and got free booze. He had told himself yesterday that he was acting like a stupid stalker but then Seth had called him and told him that he and Dave were going away for the weekend and Damon just could not help himself, he came again and he felt guilty because Savannah was taking the uttermost care of this place and she had also called her best friend in for helping her and so he didn’t let Savannah see him. But today was different, today she had left him standing all alone and ran again. And he was really really furious. He leaned back in his chair and saw her move towards the table of some very drunk lads. They whistled when she bent down to place their beers on the table and Damon almost jumped off his chair but Savannah giggled. She actually giggled and Damon froze!  

Savannah knew he was sitting in the corner. She had made Seth call and tell him that he was leaving and he wanted Damon to take care of the pub and she made sure that he knew that this was where she was when she had run away from him and also that Damon didn’t realize that she knew that he was there. He was in for a surprise. He thought she was always uptight, cold, rigid but she was going to show him her sexy side today and she knew that it would bowl him over. The stupid drunk asses she was serving whistled when she placed their beers on the table but instead of punching their faces out, like she normally would do, she saw Damon stiffen and giggled at them and sashayed her way back to the table.

“Savannah!” She heard Mia call from the store and she walked in. She almost fainted when she saw Mia standing there.

“What the hell, Mia!” she exclaimed and Mia gave her a full circle view of her sexy cat dress.

“I know, right?! We’re gonna knock ‘em dead!” She said and Savannah took a nervous gulp. She had taken several shots to calm her nerves but now they were just jumping right out of her veins!

“Ohmigod, I can’t do this! There are drunk men out there, Mia! They’ll look at you dressed like the cat woman and they’ll destroy the whole place!” Savannah cried out and Mia laughed.

“No, they won’t! I’ll be on the bar ALL the time, I promise! And I won’t let anyone touch me and don’t you back out on me, lady! This was your idea after all!” Mia said and Savannah wanted to kill herself! What had possessed her to even THINK that she could pull of Sexy Silk again?! She had done that in college when she was thoroughly drunk and that too because she was so excited. Now, it seemed a nightmare! She couldn’t sing and do dirty dance with Mia on the bar table! For one, Seth would kill her! And the fact that she had just left Damon alone again and come here to do this would make him kill her but then she remembered the look on his face when he had shouted at her and she took the costume bag from Mia’s hand, after all she was the singer, all the action was going to be Mia’s anyway.

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