Chapter Nine: Her Cinderella Moment.

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Savannah gazed up at the house, a house that once she had called home, a house that reminded her of the worst days of her life and she clutched at Damon’s arm.

“It’s okay, Savannah. I told you we’ll get on with it together.” Damon looked down at her and he saw the naked fear on her face and he squeezed her hand back because that was the only thing stopping him from barging in there and knocking the people who hurt her. He saw her swallow and then she turned her face to him and smiled at him and the world was a better place for Damon.

Savannah’s mother believed in perfection and she had arranged the whole event like a grand affair. The porter at the entrance asked them to tell him their names so that he could formally announce their arrivals.

“Mother, mother.” Savannah muttered while Damon told the porter their names and right at that moment Savannah really felt like a debutante making her grand entrance to a whole new world.

“I present Miss Castle accompanied by Mister Hayes.” The porter announced in an English accent and every eye turned to look at her but the first face she saw was her sister’s, scowling down at her and her illusion shattered and then she looked at Jake and she noticed the fury on his face and her step quivered but Damon held onto her and he led her straight to her table.

“Oh my god.” She muttered but Damon took her hand and raised it to his lips.

“You look beautiful, Savannah. You’re glowing and I don’t want them fools to ruin it for you. You don’t have to ruin this evening, enjoy it and please don’t think of him.” Damon almost begged her and before she could say anything her mother descended on their table.

“So, you came.” Were her mother’s first words to her and Savannah relaxed a little. She knew this world, she was in the Malicious City and today she was going to rock their very foundations.

“I was bored so why not.” She said and then she turned to Damon and smiled.

“This is Damon, mother.” She introduced and when her mother held out her hand she was glad to note that Damon faked a bow for her.

“More appropriate wouldn’t you say?” He asked and her mother glared down at her.

“No, if you ask me. Now Savannah you are already late and I have been waiting for your arrival! There is so much to do and Olivia is just so ..” Before her mother could finish Damon cut in.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Harrison but tonight Savannah’s at my mercy and I intend dancing the night away with her. Well, half of it, anyway.” Damon said and even Savannah was a little shocked at that but her mother only had the time to gasp because suddenly she was off with Damon and on the dance floor.

He took her in his arms and danced with her while Reo Speed Wagon’s song waved around them, neither of them said anything for a while, both lost in the feeling, the magic between them.

“Thank you, Damon.” Savannah muffled against his collar and Damon tightened his grip on her. He felt happy, he didn’t want any words to spoil this moment so he didn’t say anything, just held her in his arms and swayed her lightly. She felt like Cinderella and she feared that her time would be up. He didn’t notice when the song got over and another one started, he could dance the night away with her but he noticed when someone almost tore him away from her and glared down at her.

“Jack.” Savannah gasped and Jack glared at her.

“Fine, I get the message. You wanted to make me jealous, babe? Well, I’m jealous alright. Now, I want you away from him, right now.” He said harshly and before Savannah could say anything Olivia came in between them.

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