chapter 16

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Monday morning, back at his workplace, Joon saw someone sitting in his chair. In his office. Right when he entered. 

"Sir, I told her to wait outside but she said—" 

"That's alright," Joon held his hand up to silence his subordinate. He knew who that woman was. He knew it just by the way she was sitting in Joon's chair as if she owned it. 

"Leave us alone. And bring me my usual coffee."

"As you say, Sir." Kim Jugyun closed the door behind her, leaving Joon inside. 

"Your manners are worse than I expected, Kim Joon." 

"So are yours, Park Haesun-ssi." Joon didn't know what to feel about her. Hate her, or be thankful. But he certainly didn't appreciate her barging into his office and claiming it as her own. "I am sure my higher ups wouldn't be as appreciative of your manners as I am. And I have a meeting this afternoon so let's keep it short." 

Park Haesun stood up. Her eyebrows were plucked into thin lines that gave her a permanent look of surprise, or outrage, or enquiry, like those of a startled child. But below them, her eyelids were tired looking. Her eyes were exactly as Cyan as described— kohl lined and deep. But Joon found no beauty in them. Simply a depthless chill. Her hair was pulled back from her face and her skin stretched over her cheekbones like taut silk, not a wrinkle defiling her flawless beauty.

"Stay away from their lives." She hissed.

"Like how you did?" Joon arched his eyebrow. 

"You… You know nothing about me." 

"Applies to you as well."

"I could destroy you," Haesun stepped closer, "in seconds." Joon saw the strength of her bold character in a split second, but it faded away instantly. Weak, soulless, pitable. 

"No you can't," Joon chuckled. He was two heads taller than her. Stronger. But he felt like an insect under her cold scrutinous eyes. "I don't work for your family." 

"Stay away from…" 

"Look here, Madam Song," Joon said. He used her married name to tick her off and it did. Her eyes glazed over and she inhaled sharply. She regretted it. But Joon wasn't going to rub that fact on her face. "I know entrusting your daughter to someone you barely know is hard. I myself would probably kill someone who has bad intentions for Lala." 

"Stop saying as if you know them." 

"I do," Joon walked to his chair and dusted it, "and I know you care for your daughter. But that's as far as your concern should go, Madam Song." 

Park Haesun averted her gaze. She folded her hands across her chest. Her life wasn't easy, and Joon knew that. TK Constructions had a lot of sons, she wasn't even allowed to participate in the race for inheritance since her childhood. When she had tried to vocalize her personality, her family decided to marry her off to another chaebol. Her husband was probably too engrossed in his work, or had affairs behind her back. 

Joon marveled at the strengths she displayed. 

"You have no right over Cyan. You chose to leave him, Madam Song. Now you can't simply barge into his life." 

"I know. But I can —"

"You could have, when you should have. No use wasting time over me. See, aren't you afraid of seeing Cyan?" 

"No. I am not afraid of him," Haesun said, her head held high. 

"He doesn't resent you. Nor does Lala. But you know what? She knows about you, but still doesn't resent you. She says not everyone has an Eomma, and that's okay. Maybe, years later, when she grows up and actually understands what happened…" 

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