Chapter 3 P.t2

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"Ladies this is my niece Nora, and Nora this is ladies." Aunt Janice said while putting her hair in a hair net.

The two ladies share a glance with each other before glaring at Aunt Janice, "What?" She asked acting confused.

The lady with her hair in a low ponytail and had a very slim body, walked over rocking her hips as she does and flicked Aunt Janice on the arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" Aunt J winced with a fake pout.

"That is no way to introduce us to your niece!" She said dramatically gasping then stepping towards me.

"Nora, I'm Carmen and this is Rosie." Carmen said putting her hand on my left shoulder while gesturing toward the other lady who wore her hair in a high ponytail with the front hair out. Obviously in hopes to hide her slightly big forehead but failed.

I shyly waved to Rosie while putting on small smile before saying, "It's very nice to meet you both."

"Well Nora since you are here to help, are you able to cut the carrots and cucumber before you go to class?"

"Yeah sure." I said grabbing some plastic gloves.

"Alright class, this is Nora and I want you to make her feel welcome." Mr Dymock said while gesturing towards me.

I hate getting introduced in front of class. It's the most embarrassing thing know all those eyes are just looking at you. But I know Mr Dymock did it on purpose by the way he's got that smug look on his face.

"Say Hi Nora." he said trying to annoy me more.

"Hi Nora." I said rolling my eyes.

I heard the class quietly laugh when Mr Dymock started mocking me.

"Alright smarty pants go take a seat next to Memo over there." He said pointing to a light brown haired boy with glasses that made his eyes pop out of his head. (pronounced as ME-mo like Finding Nemo)

From the looks of him he seems to send off a very laid-back type of vibe even though his glasses don't suit him at all.

As I sit down Mr Dymock started talking to the class about 'science' and what we will be doing this year.

"This semester we will be studying about earthquakes and how they can make a tsunami. The person you are sitting next to will be your partner in the next up coming project." Mr Dymock said making the whole class break out into a fit of groans and squeals, "Now class, I want you to work on what you know about an earthquake and then share what you have with your partners when you're done GO!" He shouted.

When we started to work I decided to talk to Memo.

"So...Memo? What kinda name is that?" I ask him while trying to draw an earthquake as best I can.

"It's not." He replied with a sigh still focused on his work.

"Well if we're going to be partners for the project then please...enlighten me." I said putting my pencil down and crossing my arms.

"Mr Dymock has called me that ever since year 7. We gad to write down fish names and I forgot what a clown fish was so I wrote down Memo instead of Nemo." He said while taking his glasses off frustratedly. "And the thing is I was so sure his name was Memo."

"Don't worry. I've been called smarty pants since year 7 as well." I said, patting him on the back before getting drawing again.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Because I'm smart and everyone wanted to get in my pants." I answered wriggling my eyebrows at him.

I saw his eyes go wide which sort of freaked me out due to him putting his reading glasses back on.

"I'm kidding." I said with a small smile and putting my hand on his shoulder.

~But it was sort of true.~

"My real name is Grayson just so know." Memo said getting back to work.

'Hmm, Grayson who loves Finding Nemo? I've got it!' I thought to myself picking up my pencil and started sketching Nemo surfing on a huge tsunami wave.
"Alright class that's all we have today you can go." I heard Mr Dymock say.

"YA know you seem pretty cool Nora. Most of the girls at our school are b1tches." Grayson said to me.

"Well I'm glad you think I'm not a b1tch, in the mean time ME-mo here is a M-em-O that his name is Nemo." I said while writing down on the paper and handed him the little picture I draw of Nemo.

As he looked at it a small smile spreads on his face before hearing a faint 'thanks' as we left for our next class.

Wow this is the longest chapter I have done so far XD I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting to long and I'll put the people down that portray the lunch ladies but at the moment (if you haven't already heard) I got my 4 wisdom teeth out on Tuesday night with another 2 other teeth at the front for my braces and guess what? IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH!! I wanted to get this up as soon as possible (since it is 3am for me now and I'm in A LOT of pain) I thought I would finish it just for you guys (and Shay SydiaX because she sorta kept bugging me about it XD) Well Grayson is in the story now do you like how they met?? Anyways I'm going to go to sleep and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and a heads up I probs won't update for a bit due to being in pain so... sorry about that.... G'NIGHT GUYS!! If there is any typos is cause I'm to tired to proof read so sorry if there is!!

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