Chapter 1 P.t2

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(5th August 2014) [IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO FIND THE PIC OF CHAN AND GRAYSON IN MY CAMERA ROLL and to find the date they started school omg!!]

Nora's P.O.V

"Do you have your asthma puffer?"


"Your spare glasses and beeper?"

"Check. Check."

"Your books, pens/pencils, school bag?"

"Check. Check. And Check." I said as I pull my bag over my shoulder. I looked up at my Grams with a sigh.

"Nee-Nor, it's your first day of year 10 it won't be that bad." She said reassuringly.

"Grams, I was home schooled for 3 years by my Dad in an RV. Trust me school isn't the problem. It's more like the people in it." I said putting my hands on both her shoulders.

"I told you to call me Aunt May, Grams sounds too old for me." Grams said pushing my hands off her shoulders.

"Grams, your 60+, you are officially Grams to me." I said as the bus pulled up.

"Whatever. Have fun at school!" She said waving to me. I rolled my eyes knowing full aware I was not going to have fun.

As I stepped into the bus, everyone stopped and stared at me. It kinda took me by surprise making me stop in my tracks for a second, before I walked to a free seat near a window.

As I made my self some what comfortable on the most smelliest bus ever, I got my earphones and plugged them in my phone.

Just as the bus started to move, two of the boys, that some what looked a little familia from the last time I was at school, turned around to look at me.

"Wow, freaks much?" I muttered looking back down to untangle my earphones.

"Wow, nerd much?" One of them shot back.

"Just because I wear glasses now does not mean I'm a nerd." I said annoyed.

"She's right Dave, I'm a nerd sorta and I don't wear glasses." The one on the right said nudging Dave with his elbow.

"Shut up Stiles." Dave said shoving Stiles a bit.

"Well I'm sorry but I'm leaving your stupid conversation." I said.

Before they could both respond I put my earphones in and listened to Silly Boy by The Blue Van for the rest of the bus ride.

[is it bad that I'm actually in love with the bands songs now since I watched The First Time? XD I put their songs on in the car yesterday and my mum and dad rocked out to them with me xD]

As the bus stopped in the school parking lot everyone piled out.

"Yes fresh air!" I said once I stepped off the bus.

I breathed in and out enjoying getting out of the bus. People looked at me funny but I have asthma, what do you expect?

"You'll get used to the smell after a while." Someone said behind me.

"Yeah after she pukes." Another joked.

Dave and Stiles.

"Haha, very funny. Now what do you two want?" I said after I turned around.

"I believe we haven't formally introduced ourselves have we Dave?" Stiles said with a smug look on his face.

"I don't think we have Stiles." he said back with the same look.

"Alright get too the point." I said rushing them.

"Dave Hogski and this is, obviously Stiles, my twin bro." He said putting an arm around Stiles.

[in The First Time where I got Dave from his last name is Hogman and Stiles I obviously got from Teen Wolf his last name is Stilinski so you see why I chose the last name...]

I just looked at the two with a wow-that's-fascinating look. It was a bit of awkward silence before Stiles cleared his throat, "Ehum, it's your turn." He said bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Nora Grey. Now Good Bye." I said starting to walk past them.

"Wait a minute." Dave said grabing my arm, pulling me back in front of them.

"Nora Grey, sounds familiar. Don't you think Stiles?" He said looking at me suspiciously.

"It sure does Dave." Stiles said looking at me the same.

"Well I went here before so... I guess that's why." I said a bit nervously. Which Dave noticed.

"No, no I don't think that's it." He said squinting his eyes and shaking his pointer finger at me.

"Is this how you guys treat all girls or am I just someone you think you can mess with?" I asked really getting annoyed with them trying to figure me out.

"Don't worry, we'll find out sooner or later." He smirked at me.

"Hey Dave look at that kid over there," Stiles 'jumped' in tapping Dave with the back of his hand gently. "Looks like you got an admirer, Nora." He laughed.

I looked to where they were looking to see a boy, with brown long hair who was basically wearing all grey, across the parking lot look away before getting his picture taken by, I assume, is his mom.

"I do not." I protest.

"Do too. He's looking our way, quick wave at him Dave." Stiles said.

"No don't wa-" I tried to stop him but he already waved.

I turned my head to look at the boy again, "He looks so cluelessly stupid." The twins both laughed.

The bell rang, 'Saved by the bell thank god!' I thought to myself.

"Well it was nice meeting you, Sh!tface and D!ckhead, but I have to go and get to the school office." I said walking past them once again leaving them with hurt facial expressions.

"VERY FUNNY!!" I heard Dave yell making me smirk at my little names for them.

Well that's the end of my chapter I guess. I added Dave and Stiles in because why not have two guys try and get to figure her out? This is a super long chapter and I still have a little bit more on them at school so that should be a fun whole week writing a new chapter!! I feel like this was a long chapter? Well I'm going to sleep now so... Oh and HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!! It ended 3hrs 50mins ago but hey STRAYA M8!! Love you Chey and Hales!! <3

And don't forget to check the media area for music and pics BYE!!

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