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Picking up their baby bag from the floor and pushing them out of the playroom, but something caught my attention as I was about leaving.

An Envelope

"What could it be?"
I still can't wrap my head around what is going on right now, am as confused as anything. Leading the kids out of the elevator to mom's room, I see Dad standing outside the door.

"Hey Dad, did you just get here?"  I asked him

"Yes I just did, Tay came to get me when I called". He answered me.

The whole conversation I heard at the playroom was still bothering me and I need to get to a quiet place so that I would be able to find out what the envelope holds. I really need to find out more about Dracula and her connection with the twin.

"Mr. Daniels" The Doctors voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"That's me" Dad raised his hands a little to get the doctors attention.

"Hi, am Dr. Garcia" He put his hands out for a handshake. "Am your wife's doctor".

"Nice to meet you Dr. Garcia" Dad shakes his outstretched hands. "How is my wife, Doc?"

"Well, your wife has leukemia cancer of the blood and it's already at Stage 4". He explained "She lost a lot of blood while coming here and I don't think there is anything we can do at this point because the cancer has eaten deep into her"

"Nothing can be done at this point?" I asked the doctor.

"Nothing, we can't do anything because your mom signed the do not resuscitate form" Dr. Garcia informed us.

Why would mom sign a do not resuscitate form and why did she not inform anyone about her ailment. I have never noticed any sign of cancer in her before.

"She asked me to bring you all in apart from Lola at the moment" The doctor said to Dad and pointed to the door, signing them to go in.

"Thanks Dr. Garcia" Dad said to o him as he picked up Zion and Tay picked up Zita before walking into mom's room.

I sat down at the hospital chairs facing Mom's room thinking of how all the information am getting connects to one another but am sure it all can't be a coincidence or a mistake. There is more to all of these that meets the eyes.

Looking around, I sight Dr. Garcia stepping out of the elevator and I decided to find out more about Mom's ailment from him, maybe I could find a reasonable answer.

"Hey, Dr. Garcia" I called out to him

"Hey, Lola" He stopped at where I stood.

"Sorry to stop you or anything, but I need to ask you a question please".

"Go ahead, you have the right to do so seen your mom is in the hospital". He urged me to go on.

"Why did my mom not show any sign of someone suffering from leukemia?" I asked him

"W-w-w-w-well, hmmmmm, i-i-i-i-i don't really know" He stuttered "Her reports shows that she always come for chemotherapy session and she never misses any of her appointment"

This doesn't make sense at all, first of all he stuttered and then he is talking about her report like he has not been handling her case.

"Are you not her Doctor?" I questioned

"Not really, you see I just became her doctor recently" He answered in a rush "Look, l would love to stay and answer your questions but I have other patients to attend to, so if you will excuse me". He said.

Hidden TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang