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What hospital is she in Tay?". I questioned her getting into my car and zoomed with only one question on my mind.


Rushing into the hospital, I went straight to the front desk and mere looking at the nurses made shivers run through my veins. The nurses were looking at me with curiosity written on their faces and then I remembered that I have not spoken a word since I rushed in.

"Where can I find Sophie Daniels?". I asked her "She was brought in here not too long ago" She into the computer system to look for my mom's name, and I stood there shivering until I heard my name.

"LOLAAAAAA". I turned to see Tay waving at me from down the hall. I turned back to face the nurse and told her not to bother since I had already seen my friend. I ran to where Tay was standing and gave her a hug.

"Where is mom?" I inquired from her as she put card around my neck and led me to the elevator before answering my question.

"Lols, to be honest I have not been able to see her since she was admitted". She told me as she held my hands. "Each time I ask the doctor or any nurse that comes out of her room, they all just tell me she is fine but won't let me see her". That explains why she was standing down the hall.

After her explanation, I watched as she pressed the 3rd floor button, then I realized that Dad has no idea on what is going on at the moment. So I dialed his number immediately and he picked up after three rings.

"Hey Kiddo, what's going on?" He asked from the other side of the phone.

"Hey Dad, I called to let you know that mom got admitted into a hospital". I replied as Tay and I got out of the elevator heading towards Mom's room.

"What do you mean by mom got admitted into a hospital?" He inquired and from the shuffling sound I hear am strongly believing that he is trying to just shove all of his things into his office bag.

"What hospital are you all in right now?"

"We are at ST. Joseph's hospital under the cancer ward, 3rd floor room 246, but when you get here make sure to give me a call so I could come get you". I told him.

"Alright am on my way right now, make sure to take care of yourself, Tay and the twins. Bye". He said in one rush and that was when I remembered I had no idea where the twins are right now.

"Tay, where are the twins?". I asked looking to see if they asleep on any of the hospital chairs but the seats are empty.

"They are at the playroom, take the elevator to the 4th floor then go straight to the room and that should be room 112. That is where they are". She explained and I took off, telling her to keep an eye on mom as I slipped into the elevator before it closed.

When it got the 4th floor, I stepped out and started looking for the room Tay spoke of. Surprisingly this floor was too quiet, no activity going on here and I found that to be strange.

"Room 100,101,102,103........112, this is it". I said to myself.

I was about to go into the room when I heard voices, carefully opening the door I saw two people with masks on their faces and they were putting on black overalls making it difficult to pinpoint if they were males or females. But this doesn't seem right to me, first this floor is totally empty and now this playroom has only my sleeping siblings inside. Something is fishy and I have to find out. Starting now, I hoped this two drop some clue for me.

"First and second phase of the plan is done, we have to get the third phase started so we can leave this place without any trace". The first person said and it sounded like a man's voice. "Are you even listening to me Dracula?". He questioned his partner.

"Yes I am, but can I at least just spend little time with them". His partner said to him and the voice was that of a woman, strangely the voice sounds like my mom's own but mom is downstairs, so that is off it.

"Listen Dracula, we have no time for this okay?" He said to her. "We have to start the third phase quickly okay, so please let's get going". He pleaded with her.

"Alright Blade, let's get this done". She said him and then turned back to the twin. "I love you guys so much and nothing can change that". She said to them, planting a kiss on each of their foreheads.

She stood up and then I saw an anchor tattoo on her neck, I stretched a little bit to see if I could also spot a tattoo like that on Blade's body but I saw nothing. I watched as they both left through the window and then I slowly stepped into the room.

This whole thing is weird and funny at the same time. I have a lot of questions but who do I ask now. My siblings were sound asleep, I set their twin stroller and then I picked up Zion and placed him on the left side before picking up Zita and placing her on the right side. I picked up their baby bag from where it was kept on the side of the floor and swinging in on my shoulder, I looked around one more time before pushing the stroller out of the room, but something caught my attention.

An Envelope


What does the envelope contain and who are those people?.

I introduced two new characters, ZION and ZITA.

I hope this one is good and keeping you on the edge.

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