2 Months Later

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"F it! It's been two months already. He's in his 7-month pregnancy and why on Earth did he just walk out like that? Just because his pregnant mate was having a fit? Didn't he know that as a pregnant person it's bound to happen! His emotions are unstable" said Bella angrily in a controlled small voice as she punches the small innocent pillow that was minding its own business seating on the sofa decorate it.

Both Xiao Sean and Eden shakes their heads slightly at her reaction while the kids were busy happily colour, painting, doing some art in front of them focusing on their task unbothered by Bella's suppressed action.

"It's okay Bella, I'm okay. I did ask him to go back to his family and stay away from mine so this is bound to happen. Don't work yourself out over this small thing"

Said Xiao Sean trying to calm his sister and at the same time the house bell ringed, echoing inside the house, indicate there's someone outside pressing on the doorbell.

"Okay, that's my cue, see you all in a bit," said Xiao Sean as he walks over to the front door.

Today was the day for Xiao Sean regular monthly checkups before the twins make their appearance and he is accompanied by none other than his first friend at college until they both works, Jake.

Jake like a truly professional person he is, accompany Xiao Sean, make him comfortable around him, happily chatting with each other, joking here and there, enjoying each others company while heading to the hospital for checkups.

The checkups run smoothly and thanks to that, Xiao Sean's mood lift up tremendously as he unconsciously releases his happy scent that makes Jake happy too as he knows that Xiao Sean wasn't in his best mood when he picks him up.

"Okay, now that you're happy. Where do you want to go next my king?" asked Jake playfully.

"I'm kinda sleepy Jake, so could you please sent me home?" asked Xiao Sean in a sorry voice as he yawns a couple of times.

"Home it is then. I'm happy that you're happy and thank you Xiao Sean for wanting me to give me the honour of going to one of your appointments"

"You are most welcome Jake, besides you will be always in this babies life so why not get you acquainted with them earlier"

"You are right, I'll be the best friend they will have"

"You are old enough to be their grandpa, not their best friend you dumb ass, Jake"

"Hey, for your information I'm a doctor okay. How on Earth am I dumb?"

"It's just an expression, you dumb ass Jake"

"I know you foul mouth Sean"

"You need to be careful of that foul mouth of yours or else your twins will follow you"


"Oh speaking about twins, why on Earth did your first set of twins the elders one, Kai hate me?"

"How on Earth do I know. You should ask him not me, I'm not him besides did you get on his bad side or something?"

"That's why I ask you because you're his mother, so you know better and no, I did not, well not that I'm aware of"

"Then blame on your ugly face for scaring him up to make him hate you or something"

"Hey, hey. Hard pass, don't try to blame on my handsome face. This face is priceless and expensive. Oh speaking of expensive, why on Earth is your driveway full of expensive cars?"

"How the F do I know, who the hell are they?"

"How should I know? I was with you the whole time"

"Yea genius I know, I was talking to myself. Seriously, how in the world did you become a doctor? With that brain of yours?"

"That's for other days to debate on, but for now let's get inside the house. Jake be a dear and help me out"

"Pfftt, you are smooth on debates but slow on your feet"

"I'm pregnant you F"

"Okay, pregnant mama don't get angry, let me get you inside the house"

Jake park the car on the side of the driveway, turn off the engine, get out of the car before he jogs and helps Xiao Sean out from his side like a loving and gentleman he is.

"Thank you Jake for the ride and accompany me to the appointment. You can go home now"

"No, I won't. I will accompany you inside, I don't want anything bad to happen to the twins and you so keep your mouth shut as I will be by your side until everything settles" said Jake as he holds onto Xiao Sean's hand while they both head towards his house.

Before Jake could grab the doorknob, the door suddenly rips open in a hasty manner in which reveals Yibo looking at him angrily which caught both of them by surprise for a second then Jake without backing down do the same expression towards Yibo while slightly shield Xiao Sean away from his vision.

Meanwhile, Xiao Sean who was witnessing their action as the third person just rolled his eyes, sigh a little as he pushes Jake first in order to get inside the house then Yibo as he tries to enter his own house.

As soon as he enters the house, he was being softly attacked by the twins as they run up to him and hug him dearly in which he return their hugs while giving out kisses on the top of their heads.

Their moment was cut short as someone clear their throat that comes from the living room, that clearly belongs to Eden.

"What is it, Eden? Could you don't ruin my reunion time with my kids with your annoying clear throat action that wants my attention" said Xiao Sean sassily as he turns to look at Jake and Yibo.

"You two dufus could you shut the door and come inside the house already instead of eye rapping each other in the middle of the front door?" said Xiao Sean towards them both while covering Kai and Nova's ear.

That comment makes both Alphas to snapped back into reality as they growl lowly in a threatening manner.

"Stop with that unnecessary growl," said Xiao Sean as he was clearly annoyed with their attitude while his back facing the living room all the time as he looks at Jake and Yibo.

"Mama, how's my twin's sibling?" asked Kai trying to distract his mama in which he succeeds.

"They are doing fine my baobao, active and healthy"

"When can we meet them mama?" asked Nova excitedly.

"In a few weeks or a month baobao"

"Yea, we can't wait to meet them. Am I right yeye, nainai?"

"Yeye? Nainai?" asked Xiao Sean as he slowly like in the horror film turns around to look at the direction in which Kai was looking and smile brightly.

Everything was like in a slow-motion film, where Xiao Sean slowly turn around to look at his in-laws while the twins, Kai and Nova, run over towards them meanwhile Jake and Yibo take their stand by standing beside Xiao Sean protect him from anything unwanted things to happen.

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