Sneak in mission [failed]

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It's night time, [Y/N] is guarding the Academy with her wooden sword. They sat on the tree that is unguard with traps while eating their freshly cooked ramen.

Their mission is always the same, guarding the school since there are kids and students in the building including their kids. And they aren't letting anyone touch them or get near them.

'Tired... I want to sleep...' 

'Sure, do that and I whoop yo ass' 

'Dude calm down let's talk this over tea.'

'Haish, I sometimes wonder if you are Master Wu secret love child.'

'Maybe I am... btw thre- no four person at 12.'

[Y/N] grip her wood sword and notice the new students from earlier and a white-hair male accompany them.

'Soul Breathing: Fourth form: Hell of Mirrors' 

Mirrors appear surrounding the four reflecting their fear within it.  

"WHERE DID THESE CAME FROM?!" Yuji is the first one to yell and a sushi flew into his mouth. [Don't ask]

"Are these made from cursed technique?!" Megumi is the second to react until a mochi is shot into his mouth too.

Nobara tried to shout but got shot with another sushi and it taste surprisingly good.

"Man, I want to eat that after shift... So how does it taste? That was my first time making them." [Y/N] said, jumping down from the tree and the mirrors disappear.

"Also, don't you think that sending your students to find me is a bit dangerous? Gojo-san." 

Their [E/C] eye stare right back at the tall man who is standing behind his student.

"How did know sensei's name?!" 

[Y/N] point at their head and said, "Mind reading. It's a technique from my ghost grandma." 

"Ghost grandma?!" Nobara yelled.

"I'm her regeneration. Come inside, I'll tell you more about her. Just be quiet, the students and my children are sleeping."

The four are still confuse and suspicious about their invite, cause no one would invite some one that they barely knew into their school.

"Just come in, this school is protected from curses and demons. No need to worry. "

~~Little time skip~~

[Y/N] put the tea in front of them and sat on the couch. The three students are confuse while the teacher sip their tea before putting it on the table. 

"Mind tell me what are you three doing so late out at night? A mission I suppose?" [Y/N] stated,

 Itadori: About that... 

The lower eye open along with a mouth.

"You are one interesting person." 

"I don't know whether to be flatter or weird out by a curse appearing here."  [Y/N] said, looking at the mouth.

"You should fear me for I am the king of curses!"

"Yeah, and I'm a god. Mister King of curses."

Muzan enter the room with a few book in his hand before notice the four inside the room.

"What are you doing here? I sworn that I lock the door." Muzan said a bit irritated by them.

"Stfu king of hoes, can't you see we have another "king" in the room." Muzan had a irked mark on his head, grabbing the [boy/girl]'s neck, chocking them.

The four eye's widened when they saw the scene but [Y/N] just have their poker face on.

"You know, this is kind of ki-" Muzan left go of the [boy/girl]'s neck and turn away to put back the stack of book.


"What's the matter, king of hoes? Btw meet the new students, pink boy Itadori Yuji, emo kid Fushiguro Megumi, The cool girl Kugisaki Nobara. And that's the playful teacher, Gojo Sataro. You just call them brats anyway." 

"Brats?!" Nobara exclaimed in shock. 

"Oh, before I switch. This is Micheal Jackson, Former king of demons, current king of hoes, he's the vice principle in the school. Ubuyashiki-sama is the principle of this school. That's all you need to know from me. I hope Thorn take care of you" 

[Y/N] look at the clock which strike 12 before they fall down with a "thud". Itadori ran over but Muzan stop him by throwing [Y/N] across his shoulder/

"Don't leave this room until 9.00 a.m. brats. I warned you." he then carry [Y/N] back to their room. 

~~~The next day~~~

[Y/N] woke up with a cheery mood and went to check if her children are awake.

Rui is still sleeping, Daki and Gyutaro are sleeping as well Muichiro and Yuichiro already woke up and they're preparing themselves. 

"Good morning, Mui-chan, Yui-chan!" They hug them close and Muichiro pull away from their hug. 

"Morning, [Y/N] nii-san/nee-san!" Yuichiro greet the [boy/girl] with a happy smile on his face. [Y/N] return that as well.

"Get ready for you classes then, I'll go make breakfast! Brb!" [Y/N] dashed out of the room and prepare breakfast for them.

They finish up the food and place them on the table before hearing a knock on their door. [Y/N] wiped their hands with a towel and open the door.

"Yes, who is it?" their [E/C] eyes met with a black blindfold.

"It's me, [Y/N]-chan~ Did you forgot me already?"  Gojo said but the [boy/girl] in front of them make a confuse expression and asked him something which make him shock.

"Do I know you?" [Y/N] asked 

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