Meeting Junpei

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[After they clear out the curses at the cinema...]

"Woah! I never rode a car in my entire dead life before!" Yugi is currently looking around the car like it's a new creature while the kids are staring at the woman weirdly.

"What do you mean by dead?" Daki asked.

"Oh, I'm actually dead. I'm currently a god that is travelling around here." The Yugi use the most simple way to describe her afterlife while continue to explore around the car.

"YOU'RE DEAD?!" The kids shouted. Making [Y/N] cover their ear from the noise. 

"Didn't I told you all about it? Oh well, not my problem." the car stop as they saw a boy standing on the street with a man talking to him.

[I'm too lazy to write the details so here's a short version of the scene]

- [Y/N] follow Itadori out the car, Yugi know what is going to happen

-Itadori ran away with the man's pants

-[Y/N] greet the boy

-Yugi and the kids are heading to the nearest ice-cream shop

-[Y/N] and Itadori talk to Junpei

-Junpei's mom arrived

-Talk a bit while heading to their house

-Ate some food

- Itadori left

-[Y/N] stayed to guard the house since they sense a high- ranked demon nearby

-They took the finger and kill the demon

-Left the house

[Next update will be a bit shorter than this so I apologize in advance]

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