Chapter 5

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Viangpha Mork 2020 - 10 years later

Por took a sip of his morning coffee, his eyes focused on the case files in front of him. The papers in the file worn and yellowed over the years. Hell, he had gone through the pages countless times that he had every single word memorised... and yet he's still looking out for details he might have missed.

There are new reports that Patong has a new second in command but the identity of his successor is still a secret. It's how these mafia families work. Once they get older they will pass down the family business to their heir or whoever they deem trustworthy.

Currently, most of their activities are being led by this unknown successor... and Por would give an arm and a leg for a lead.

Por dropped the case file on the table as he brought his hands up to his head, rubbing a little harder in an effort to ease the upcoming headache.

"Morning Pa!" his son, Tul, bounded in going for the cupboard where he usually stores his snacks. The ones that Por was banned from taking.

Tul grabbed a packet of cream bread before looking back at his dad, concerned etched into those boyish features. Sometimes Por swears he is still looking at a ten year old Tul.

"You okay?" his son inquired, slipping in the chair opposite his dad, his usual bright brown eyes heavy with worry as he quickly took in the tiredness etched into his father's face.

"Yea don't worry kid. Just the usual cases." Before Por could put the files away, Tul reached a hand out to the file he had just been reading.

"Pa, you have been working on this case for as long as I can remember."

"I know. I just can't seem to leave it." Por gazed down at the file. The big red stamp, 'CLOSED' seemed to jump out at him.

"It's closed though, right?" Tul asked.

"That was the verdict."

"Then why are you still hung up on it? Or is it actually not solved yet? Do you have a hunch? Do you know what might have actually happened? Pa-"

"Tul." Por cut in effectively stopping the usual rambling of his son. He knows where this will lead. Tul asks too much and he ends up finding Tul at crime scenes.

"This is police business. Confidential. And I don't want to hear my deputies reporting to me about my son snooping around."

Tul looked sheepish at being caught. Tul was always interested to know what was going on and many times his dad would catch him sneaking around.

Tul's curiosity had started way back when he was a kid.

Oh the endless questions the boy asked.

Por recalled spending his days with a young Tul, trying to answer the myriad of questions his son had. The moment the boy learned to talk, he would pick up things and go,

'What is this, Pa?'

'Pa, what does this one do?'

'Pa, look at that!'

Although if Tul were to be completely honest, aside from being curious at the cases his father was handling, he was immensely worried for his father. After his mother passed away, he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to his only family left.

He was proud of the great work his father did. He was so good at his job that a couple of years ago, his father got promoted from Inspector to Commander. Whatever cases his dad was handling, he wanted to be in the know. He even went as far as turning up at crime scenes to make sure his dad was okay despite his busy schedule.

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