Chapter 53

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Tul stretched his arms up above his head feeling the satisfying stretch in his back and limbs. The clock showed nine pm and he gave a tired sigh. He didn't realise it had been that late.

The last few weeks after Pat's death had been a roller coaster. One day they were sure the Patongs had left Viangpha Mork for good. And then the next day, they had information that Suradej or Jay was back.

The amount of times Tul was pulled out of office because someone thought they had seen Jay or Suradej around town... oh God. Tul was thankful he hadn't been fired.

He always somehow made up for his work and delivered good on what he promised.

Max and his father were certain they haven't heard the last of the Patongs and that they were planning something.

Max had ordered his team in Bangkok to scour the streets for signs of the Patongs and arrest the members in hopes to get information out of them.

So far, Jay and Suradej had done a damn good job keeping out of the public eye. Moreover, in a big city like Bangkok, they could freely move around the city blending in with the constantly busy crowd. Getting a hold of them there would be even harder than the small town of Viangpha Mork. 

Tul looked around the office and he found that he was the only one around. Tay had left early due to an appointment and Tul was left by himself. He gave a tired sigh as he got up to pack his bag. 

Tul had stayed late in his office working on the latest floor plan for his current project. It was a pretty big one and Tul wanted to iron out the details before his meeting with the boss next week. Switching off the lights and AC, he made his way out the now darkened office. 

As he walked towards the underground car park, Tul whipped out his phone wanting to text Max.

His lover had already informed him, he will be staying late at the station as well. Max had told him, he'll give Tul a call when he was done there and decide if they want to go for dinner.

Not wanting to interrupt his lover in case he might be in a meeting, he opened his chat with Max, letting him know he's done in the office and will be on his way home because he was tired. A few moments after sending that text, his phone lit up because he was getting a call.

He smiled, stopping in front of his car in the empty parking lot.

"Max." he happily answered.

"Hey love, I'm walking over to your office. I thought we could drive back together."

"Oh, how far away are you? Maybe I can pick you up halfway." Tul turned towards his car, his eyes falling in the interior of his car.

He froze.


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There... in the backseat hidden partly by the shadows, was a man dressed in black. His features hidden behind a mask and a cap.

Tul's breath hitched.

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