Chapter 40

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Tay and his mother watched Tul from the living room window. 

Tul was seated at the bench looking out into the darkened lawn wanting to be alone. It was a quiet night and Tul often spent the evening gazing up at the stars. 

It had been over two weeks and Tul had been staying at Tay's house. Tay recalled the week before when he had accompanied Tul back to the Pakorn household to pick up more clothes.

The Commander had coincidentally been home that afternoon and had tried to get Tul to talk to him. But his best friend had brushed his father off, ignoring him as he went up to get his things. 

Tay felt sorry watching how fallen the Commander had seemed. Por had seemed even more tired than the week before, dark circles under his eyes and the normally clean shaven Commander looked dishevelled.

"Give him some time, Commander." Tay spoke. 

Trying to reassure him as he brought a hand up resting comfortingly on the Por's slumped shoulder. 

"I'm worried for him, Tay." Por's words came out in a pained whisper. 

In the past week, Por was filled with worry not having his son within his sight. They had done what the Patongs wanted but he didn't trust that Jay would keep his word. His mind still filled with images of Tul in danger. 

He turned his head up the stairs when he heard Tul coming out of his room, a bag swung over his shoulder. His heart broke at the glare his son shot him as he came down the stairs. 

He couldn't let Tul walk away. 

"Tul." Por's hand shot out holding on to Tul's arm. Tul immediately raised his arm wanting to yank it away. Por predicted that and held on firmly. 

"Tul, don't do this." Por asked, exasperatedly, his eyes pleading. 

Don't you see? I'm just looking out for you. 

Tul's normally soft eyes turned hard as he faced his father.    

"I don't want to be here." Tul shot back. 

"Tul, I'm just trying to protect you." Por pleaded. 

Tul released a sharp breath in disbelief shaking his head as he looked at his father incredulously. 

"How is this protecting me?" Tul raised his voice. "You refuse to be honest with me. Max left without an explanation and left me in the dark. How am I safe?"

Por swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared into his son's teary eyes. 

"You want to keep me safe but all you're doing is pushing me away, Pa." Tul finally yanked his arm away. "Let's go, Tay." 

Without turning back, Tul headed to the car. Tay waii-ed apologetically to Por as he followed his friend. 

Tul had returned to work after the first weekend at Tay's house. He had spent the weekend curled up and spent it either crying or staring into space. When Monday came, Tay had woken up to Tul getting ready for work. 

"I'm not taking the day off, Tay." Tul had uttered, almost lifelessly. 

Tay had simply nodded and got ready for work. 

The rest of the week, Tay helplessly watched as Tul threw himself into work. Ignoring his pleadings to take a break and get a bite. Get a drink. Tul had just taken sips and a few mouthfuls of his lunch before turning his focus back to the computer or sketches. 

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