Chapter 15

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"What took you so long?" I spoke to Maggie.

"That bitch was in your room."

"Come again?" I looked at her.

"Morgan. She was in your room. When I went up there, as soon as I was about to walk in, she came out."

"What the hell? Finish this for me please."

Handing over the scoop, I went up to my room. Looking around, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary but at the same time, I had planned on checking better when everyone left.

"Anything strange?"

"No but I'll check better later on."

"What you two up too in here?"

"Well look who decided to leave their man's side." I joked as Sarah came in.

"I'm sorry. Its just that he is leaving tonight so, I want all the time I can get with him."

"We're just messing with you girl." I fanned her off.

"So yeah, what y'all up too aside from sharing ice cream." She laughed as she got one.

"No!" Maggie stopped her. "Not that one."

"Why?" She looked at her crazy.

"That's specifically for Morgan." She took it away.

"Oh no. What did you do?"

"Same thing I did Danielle only not with animal laxatives."


"What? Y'all know I don't like her so she needs to sit down somewhere."

"And by somewhere you mean a toilet." Sarah joked.

"Yes. So she can think about all the dumb shit she says and does."

"If she can think at all." We laughed.

"But she didn't lie though. You and Jamal do look cute together." Sarah pointed at me.

"Looking cute is one thing but if the feelings are fully there, then it doesn't make sense."

"Oop. Fully? What you mean by that?"

"Jamal and I are both in a place where it's like because of specific things happening, old feelings are resurfacing but more on a lust level. So we're trying to not let it get to the best of us."

"Y'all gonna fuck soon." Sarah said blatantly.

"I wanted to say it but, yup."

Not saying anything, I just finished what we were doing. Separating the ice cream, Sarah took the one that was for Morgan and gave it to her. We figured she wouldn't take it from me or Maggie.

"Brian!" I called.

"Oh crap. What did I do?" He looked at me.

"You know what you did!" I approached them. "Right babe?" I looked as Sarah.


Looking around at the other guys, they stepped back from him.

"Y'all gonna just leave me like that?" He looked back.

"Yup. Misty came back like a vicious chihuahua." Kevin said.

"Damn right I did."

Pulling him away from everyone, Sarah and I began to laugh.

"We're just messing with you babe."

"Man. Y'all play too much."

"We do." I laughed. "But what I wanted to know was, what is the budget for this wedding?"

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