Chapter 6

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Dr. Barnes did a thorough check-up of Mia. She was doing great. Her concussion would be fine within the next few days but the injuries she had would take much more time to heal. Thankfully there were no signs of infection. After Mia put her shirt back on, from when Dr. Barnes examined her, Seth entered the room.

"How is Mia doing?" He asked coming to Mia's side. He went to take her hand but again she flinched. He tired not to look too disappointed.

He still does not understand why she did not except his touch.

"She is doing great. Mia, you can go to sleep now, I can see how tired you both are. Also, in a few days you need to come to see me again."

Mia smiled and then yawned. "I'll make sure she gets her rest," Sam told his aunt. He lifted Mia into his arms as she was already falling asleep.

As he walked back to the main house again, Mia fell asleep against his shoulder. The wind blew through her hair and danced across her face.

She looked so peaceful like she didn't have a care in the world. But deep down he knew that something dark happened in her past. He just hoped that he could gain her trust enough that she would open up to him.

He laid her down on his bed. It took a little bit of work prying her hands from his t-shirt. A smirk found its way to his face as she now clings to his pillow, her face buried in it.

He placed a blanket over her and then went to the couch. He fell asleep thinking about Mia and how happy he was that he found her.

The next morning came fast. Mia woke up to the sound of birds chirping and someone snoring. For a moment she panicked. Where was she? Was she back with Patrick? Did he find her? Then everything came rushing back.

Sam! He had found her and brought her here. She looked around the room. The walls were a dark blue color and so was the comforter she was using. The floor was covered in dirty clothes. Books, video games, and pieces of trash were scattered throughout the room. A big tv was mounted to the wall in front of the bed. There were three doors. She imagined one of them led to the rest of the house and the other two were the closer and bathroom.

The snoring caught her attention again. Following the sound with her eyes, she saw Sam sleeping on a small couch. She did not think he could possibly be comfortable. She made her way out of bed and over to him.

"Sam?" He did not move a muscle. His mouth was open and he was drooling. His legs were hanging off the edge of the couch because he was so tall. One of his arms was across his face the other was dangling off the couch. She giggled at how funny he looked.

"Sam," she said a little louder still he did not wake.

"Sam," she yelled. He jumped up, his arms flailing as he jumped in front of her, protecting her from any danger.

"It's okay, Sam," she said laughing. He turned to face her a light blush ghost his checks.

"Why did you scream?"

It was her turn to blush. "You wouldn't wake."

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