Republic (???)

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 "Poyo... huh? (Where... where am I... huh?)"

 Kirby looked up out of his fallen pose, and he saw lots of crickety houses, some with X's marked on their front doors. There were also strange characters kicking the bare doors down, and there was even a truck parked at some! He couldn't believe what he had to handle now. But still, Kirby held up his sword, and thought to himself that if he can solve the problem, he'll get out in no time!

 "Payayo, poyo. (I gotta be careful here, or I won't be able to return back home.")

And so, Kirby started sneaking between the houses, checking out each one through the only window. They mostly really wern't interesting, as most of them had weirdly shaped figures called "humans," talking about what it would be like to score "The Trial." Kirby had no idea what The Trial was, but based on the evidence he got, Kirby thought that it was a quiz to determine the future of a human. Marching silently, Kirby continued, and he saw a house that felt... different. He felt as if... this house he was going to see later, and that it might be connected to the problem. Kirby needed to visit this strange house, but just before he could, the door to the house beside it slammed open, and out went a old lady, who looked pale as a raisin.

Kirby saw, as some of the strange people noticed the madam. The lady pleaded and begged to be let go, but the stange people refused, holding her so she doesn't escape. And then he saw the most gruesome thing ever, worse than the Ripple Star incident of 20XX. Another stange person, grabbed a weird device, and pointed it at the old lady.
She fell down in an instant.

"Shubudu? Poyo... Poyo? (Woah, what was that? That device looked interesting, but I don't think that 'Person' deserved that... Have I really been sent here to stop this?)" Kirby then thought over all the (possibly) "good" deeds he had done on Pop Star. Releasing Nightmare again, defeating Queen Sectonia, chasing Daroach for his Snack Time Cake (which really, was just another hyperdemon in a chest,) did Kirby REALLY save the day doing this stuff?

In anyway, Kirby needs a chance to show that voice that he KNOWS his villians, so he tried to sneak to another part of this mysterious world. But one of the strange people noticed him.

"Freeze! Who's there!"

Kirby was spotted. But there's a rule Kirby has: When he's spotted, he quickly attacks! 

"Poyo, poyo! (No one, but your end!)" Kirby got his sword ready, and charged toward the strange man. The man stayed still, and got his device ready. He kept shooting at the puffball, and Kirby barely dodges all of his bullets. With his sword, Kirby jumped up, and sliced the helmet off the man's head. The man quickly grabbed Kirby, and was holding him hard.

"I don't know who or what you are," the man said, "but you're gonna be joining those infected victims." Just as the man was gonna shoot Kirby...

"Hey! William!"

It was another strange man, who looked kinda like the one that threatned Kirby. The other man was partners with this one, and thought that they found another "plague victim."

"William, what are you doing? And what's that?" the man said.

"I found another one of these darn victims, don't know what the heck it is," William said.

"Hey, this little guy seems familiar, isn't he... possibly he could... hey, what's your name, fella?"

Kirby jumped out of William's cold hands. "Kirby!" he answered happily! Kirby didn't know what was going on, but he was glad he got some help.

"...Kirby? I think I heard stories about you! My great-great grandfather used to talk about your adventures! You even had everything! Toys, games, and lots of other things!" The man kneeled down as he was talking about how he LOVED Kirby. Kirby went along with it, of course, as he had no idea what this strange man was talking about.

"Lancer, you don't know who this guy is! For all we know, he could possibly cause chaos here! Don't you have any worry abou-"

"William, we've been partners in the Republic for about 346,896,000 seconds, [11 years] and we both know what a plague victim looks like. Kirby here, isn't infected, he's just a pink guy."

Kirby was starting to understand these two. "Lan... Lancee?"

"Oh, allow me to formerly introduce myself. I'm Lancer, and this is my victim partner, William. I'm sure you're already met him." Lancer then stood up and talked to William. "You know, Kirby is a fighter in his hometown, I'm sure he'll be able to help us!"

William disagreed. "Are you sure he's up for the job, he seems kinda... weak..."

"William, he killed THOUSANDS of demons in his world. Who's to say he's weak?" Lancer then picked Kirby up. "C'mon, little fella, we'll let you sit in our truck to help, and then take you to our perfect Elector."

"Poyo, poyo! (I've never been this excited before, I'll do it!)"

The three walked to the truck, and Kirby, of course, helped. Any plague victims he was informed of, he quickly drawn his sword, and made sure they were... em... gone. Any houses that COULD have future victims, he would be the one who sprayed an X on the door. Soon, Kirby got to the same house that made him confused. What kind of connection DID this little fella have with this house? As William and Lancer got off to investigate this house, Kirby kept thinking, and theorizing what the house may mean. After an hour, Lancer informed Kirby about the house.

"Kirby, we have another house to spray," Lancer said.

"Poyo! (Just leave it to me!) Kirby replied.

Kirby was about to spray the X, but soon after, William took the spray can.

"Look here, you pink basketball. I don't know what you are or where you came from, but you are NOT gonna steal my best friend! You got that?" 

Kirby tried to defend himself. "Poyo, habudu? (Hey, if you don't like me, then why can't you just quit?)"

Mumbiling something under his breathe, William sprayed the X on the door, but he then did something... interesting. He then sprayed another line, slicing the X vertically.

"*Gulp* Poyo... (If I don't escape here, that X is gonna be me...)"

William didn't care about Kirby's blathering. "THIS house is important to remember for our commander, and I'LL be the one to spray a house like this. Now come on, lets take you to headquarters to test you. Hey, Lancer! We got this house!"

Lancer happily replied. "Great! I hoped Kirby enjoyed his first job! Especially spraying that X!"

"Yeah... hopefully," William mumbled.

"Now then, lets get you to Commander Jameson, and we'll hit you up on a deal. How did you get here anyway?"

Grabbing two rocks, Kirby recreated his encounter with the mysterious letter, and the deal with the strange voice. While William still didn't believe Kirby, Lancer mostly did.

"So you were tricked into a trap and forced here to solve our war?" Lancer asked.

"Poyo! (That's the thing!)" Kirby nodded.


Both men started to laugh at Kirby.

"Oh ho, Kirby, while I believe you on how you got here, I generally don't think you'll help us solve 'peace' with the Colonies. They're our enemy, for goddy sake!"

"Baboyo! (But it's true!)"

William giggled. "Yeah, whatever, kid." 

Lancer then spoke again. "Ok, ok, maybe you can convince me one we get back. Kapeesh?"

"Ka... Kapoyo!"

"Right then, Kirbo, let's go see us a commander."

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