Bandana Dee

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6:00 A.M.

Kirby called a meeting for us. Just me, him, Meta Knight, and Dedede. It was on the hill near William's house.

"We're screwed," he starts.

Dedede looks worried. "How screwed?"

"I depict it's a lot," Meta Knight replies.

I nod my head. "We DID save a bunch of Dream Landers in the same time length, but we can't save two humans that fast. You know how much they weigh?"

"More than me, surprisingly," Dedede says.

"I know Day is currently able to roam free in his cell," Kirby adds. "And John is somewhere in those countless rooms nearby all those cells."

"Can't we just break him out our normal way?" Dedede protests.

"Can't," I sigh. "Not only would we surely get caught, but I've had a deal with a certain bad guy..."

"Hold on, bad guy?" Meta Knight points at me.

"Nightmare. He says he wants to break out the war, and that's why we're all here. I don't trust him, though."

"We shouldn't," Dedede replies. "We save a bunch of people before, haven't we? 

"The next thing would be to ajustify our normal way," Meta Knight sighs.

"Hey, Bandana," Kirby says, grabbing a walkie talkie out of his helmet. "You know anyone who can change this up for me to speak, you know, English?" He throws the walkie talkie towards me.

"I think I might know a guy. Follow me."

8:40 A.M.

I already found Cog. He's hanging out with Harold and Ax. Surprised they're both Patriots. Cog is currently putting the finishing touches for Kirby's walkie talkie.

"There!" Harold says, holding the finished product carefully from Cog's hands. "Try it, pink! How does it work?"

Kirby quickly understands the new device and speaks towards it. When he finishes his kirby language, the walkie talkie comes out in perfect english.

"Hopefully it does!"

Cog chuckles in pride. Good, now we don't have to waste time in translating.

2:28 P.M.

We're trying to track down every non-Republican Pop Star liver to help us. Some of the recruits we already have include the Supers: one for each Super Ability, six pairs of Golems, and strangely, these four Spynums that call theirselves "the Nightmares." Hopefully there's no affiliation with the actual Nightmare...

4:45 P.M.

I already got everything settled. Dedede has the army ready to launch. Me and Meta Knight are protecting (for a while) John here, while Kirby and Ms. Iparis tell Day to use his final request on seeing his brother. None of the other soldiers are playing around. John looks the same the last time I met him: like a twin for Day, if it was very dark, of course. The three are already in Day's cell, along with that Jameson lady.

"Five minutes," Kirby says, trying out his improved walkie talkie. "Say what you want and be done with it." 

"Make sure it's exactly give minutes, not a second more," Jameson adds. She presses a hand on her earpiece and starts barking orders. Day and John just stay there silently. I could tell what Day was thinking of: "I'm an outcast, a criminal, but John passed his Trial fair and square. Nothing like me."

John is the one who shakes off the silence. "Do you know where Eden is? Is he alive?"

"I don't know," Day replies, shaking his head. "But I think so."

"When you stand out there, keep your chin up, all right? Don't let them get to you."

"I won't

"Make them work for it. Punch someone if you have to." John gives him a sad, crooked smile. "You're a scary kid. So scare them. Okay? All the way until the end."

I'm suddenly back to my memories with my old friends. All tough and stuff, but gentle towards me. I can relate to Day here: all he needs is someone to get him through. This plan will work, I know it.

"Okay," Day whispers back.

The time already runs out (Seriously? That's five minutes?). We bring John back to his room before leaving him a bit.

"Oh hey, Dee, is it?"

He's talking to me.

"Well, what is it?" I ask.

"Make sure he does what I told him to."

I nod and salute John. Me and Meta Knight meet back with Kirby and Ms. Iparis. They're already walking through the halls, along with some soldiers. Then, suddenly, Thomas.

"Ms. Iparis," he says, "you're under investigation. Jerry and Metu, follow me. You'll help me out here. Oh, and Kirby, Commander Jameson needs you at her office right away. 

We all split paths. (Also, what kind of a name is Metu?!)

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