Kirby's POV (Republic - Headquarters)

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"Poyo, Metai... (I wonder how Metias is doing...)" Kirby said to William.

"Metias?" William responded, "I'm jealous of that guy, he's a much higher ranked soldier than me. Wish I could get a high Trial score like him... You heard of his sister? The one that scored the thing perfectly?"

"Poyo. (Yeah.)" Kirby nodded his head.

"Good. Don't wanna talk about THAT dips-"

"WE'RE HERE!" Lancer cried.

Kirby looked out the window, and saw Commander Jameson with a... helmet? What would this helmet represent?

"Heya, Kirbs," said Lancer, "Guess the commander wants to talk with ya. Heh."

"Aly! Lancee! (Alrighty, see ya later, Lancer!)"

"Based on my knowlege of you, I'll see you later too," Lancer then saluted at Kirby, and Kirby saluted back.

"Mr Puffball, if you would follow me to my office for a second?" Jameson said. 

Kirby got off the truck, but noticed something about Commander Jameson that was... different. She didn't look as bored or mad as Kirby saw her last time. Instead, she had a smile, but Kirby sensed something weird from it. Still, he followed her to the office.

"So, Kirby," explained Jameson, "We've heard that you witnessed Metias Iparis' death, is that right?"

All Kirby could express was a bit of sadness as he nodded his head.

"Well, we realized about your... power... We've noticed that you are Kirby, from the planet Popstar, perhaps?"

Kirby was in shock. She knew about Kirby coming here?

"Po- poyo- (Ye- yeah-)" Kirby nodded in horror.

"Although we can't understand for sure that you can help, we DO know about your, err, past adventures."

Commander Jameson then pulled out a folder titled "Mysterious Pink Blob." She opened it up, and there were pictures of Kirby's past adventures. Reassembling the Star Rod, stopping Marx from controlling Pop Star, combining his 10 parts of himself back into one... how did she know about this, Kirby thought to himself. But then he realized... 

"You've already met Lancer. He told us about you."

Lancer went overboard with Kirby's information. 

"According to the files, you've killed at least 17 so called 'demi-gods.' You could help us hunt down a certain SOMEONE..." Kirby saw Jameson smirk. "We're partnering you up with the soldier's sister, and both of you will team up to track down Day." She then handed Kirby the helmet she was holding, and it was a bit bigger than the one Kirby has.

"Poyo, he... (Finally, some help...)" Someone to help Kirby stop the war and get back to Dreamland. But who is she exactly? Kirby kept thinking who it could be, but then remembered his conversation with Ollie. Her name?

"June Iparis. "William said as he walked with Kirby. "That idiot. I don't get how she can go 100% off to the best college ever while I'm stuck here spraying doors. I've been in a grumpy mood ever since. You relate?"

"Poyo... (Yeah...)" William's jealousy of June's life reminded him of Dedede in his old times. Back when he stole all the food from Dream Land. Luckly, he became friends with Kirby after, and Kirby started thinking to himself.

Would Day and June like each other?

Nah, Kirby thought. They different in every way. One's a criminal, another is just the sister of Kirby's new friend. But would they still connect? As Kirby kept thinking, the voice from earlier sounded again. 

"Kirby... Bandana Dee..."

Bandana Dee? Has he joined Kirby into the Republic? Kirby smiled as he thought that.

"I'm not taking you to that month-of-a-name idiot to 'team up' with, I got something better for you. Follow me," William said as he interrupted the voice in Kirby's head. He walked outside the HQ, then led Kirby to a alleyway. He then opened a door, and turned on a little light.

"Tada!" William explained, "This will be the TRUE place where you'll get tough. May or may not of used my pay to make this place."

There were LOADS of things in the little building. Protection, weapons, and everything Kirby needs if he wants to get back home.

"You've got a gun, right?"

Kirby nodded his head as he took the gun out of his first helmet. Before you ask about the Mirror Abillity, he bubbled it up to save for later.

"Great, we can start on our first test. See that can with yo- er, that pink circle's face?" A soda can taped with Kirby's face drawn poorly layed on a table.

"Poyo...? (Yeah...?)"

"You able to shoot, pinkie?"

Kirby aimed, and...


The can flew off the table and near the corner of the building.

"Hmph, not bad for a little guy. But can you watch out for this?"

William took out a knife, and threw it at Kirby. Kirby being Kirby, of course, guarded himself just as when the knife came to contact.


The knife bounced off softly.

"Pretty good. But not everything is gonna depend on your guard and weapons. Can ya fight?"

Kirby looked around, and there were a pair of worn-out boxing gloves. He quickly inhaled it and...


Kirby quickly pulled a Leg Sweep. He slid over to William, but he quickly doged Kirby. Our puffball hero then decided to Rising Break. William quickly took a hold on Kirby's hand, and threw him. Kirby quickly flipped a bit and landed on his feet, then threw a spare boxing glove at William. William thought quick, grabbed the glove, and threw it right back at Kirby. The glove hit Kirby and sent him flying, but then he did a Sky Kick right to William's chest. Kirby then stood back to the floor, in the spot before he was flown off.

"Nice, kid. Glad to see you know how to defend yourself. Any more of that without MY equipment and I would've been dead by now."  

Kirby and William trained the entire evening. There wasn't a subject the both of them haven't gone over, and William felt like he was actually having a bond with Kirby. It was 8:52pm.

"Well would ya look at the time, Pink." William looked at the clock. "We'll have to retreat back to my home."

"Po- poyo... (But- but where will I go?)" Kirby gave a sad face to William.

"You misheard? WE'LL have to retreat."

"Mea... slee? (You mean... I can sleep with you?)"

"C'mon, let's get back to my house. Can't get caught out here like this, so we'll have to leave our equipment here. I'll quickly go change." William took a fold of clothes with him to a corner with a curtain. As Kirby waited, he heard the voice in his mind once more.

"Kirby! Kirby!"

"Po... poyo? (H- huh?)"

"He's here! Bandana Dee is somewhere around!"

Kirby felt joy in his heart as heard these words. "Bandana Dee is somewhere around."

"Po- poyo, voi? (Co- could you tell me what he's doing right now, voice?"

The voice made a image in Kirby's mind. It was Bandana Dee, with some girl, and something wrapped around in his Bandana, almost shaped like a boy. It looked like the boy who killed Metias back near the Hospital.

"Bandee...? (I'm glad that Bandana is safe, but who is the girl beside him...?)" Kirby asked the voice.

"I'm not 100% sure," the voice responded, but something tells me this will give a big effect on your journey back home. Unfortunately, I don't know if it's good or bad."

"Poyo... (Well, at least I got some more company...)"

As Kirby thought about this, the image suddenly dissapeared, and William walked out of the curtain, with a uniform that looks like a professional would wear.

"How do I look, tough guy?" William asked.

"Poyo! (Like a fine gentlemen, of course!)" Kirby answered.

The two walked to William's home. Kirby had left his equipment, the helmets & the gun, and simply looked like... Kirby! 

It took long, but eventually they made it. The house William lived in was a nice little home, good enough for higher ups, but praised by the poor. A little kitchen with a table, living room, bathroom, bedroom, and some extras were all mashed in 8 rooms.

"Wanna take the Guest Room, Pinks?"

Kirby nodded his head as William guided him to the room. In the guest room, it was bland, but there was a bed, night table, and dresser well enough to sleep in. Kirby jumped on the bed and slid under the blankets.

"How you liking it?"

Kirby express his happiness with a happy smile.

"Enjoy it for long, you'll probably be here for about 2 weeks."

"Poyo. (Seems long enough.)"

"I'll leave you to rest now. See ya tomorrow, soldier."

"Niight!" Kirby shouted.

William closed the door, and the room went a bit dark. There was a small window, and it's light reminded Kirby about his mission. He took off his band to rid of his ability, and thought to himself.

June. Sounds like something he heard of before. Somewhere in Neo Star? Possibly in Ripple Star? The questioning then lead him to ask about Day. Why is he getting hunted down for his crimes? What was his reasoning? Kirby kept thinking, and thinking, and finally, started to think about Bandana Dee. He was here somewhere. Possibly also joining the Republic. But then Kirby had a thought.

Would Bandana Dee HELP Kirby.

As Kirby winded himself down, he thought to himself, nah, he wouldn't. Bandana and Kirby ALWAYS do stuff together. But he doesn't know one thing.

He's wrong.

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