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That was more tense than the entirety of Another Dimension. It's currently raining hard, with all that lighting and sirens and whatnot. Day finally gets out of his unconscious state.

"Finally, you're awake!" Magalor has already parked Lor Starcutter and came towards us. "How ya feelin'?"

Everyone's too tired to pretty much keep traveling at this rate, all except for Meta Knight (how is he this strong?!)

"We're in Valencia," June tells Day. "On the outskirts. The Patriots took us as far as they were willing. They moved on to Vegas. You're free. Get out of California while you still can-"

Bandana quickly interrupts. "He can't! We can't necessarly get back home if we don't head over to Vegas. The only problem is what we need..."

Day calms him down for a bit. "Hold on... hold on... What happened? Are you all fine? How did you all get me out of Batalla Hall? Do they know you helped me?"

"See for yourself..." Dedede puts his hand on the back of his headas Day struggles to his feet and looks over the roof in front of us. There's some JumboTrons behind, reading possibly one of the worst.


The entire recap is played afterwards, only the break out isn't played at all. Then, the boy who looks similar to Day gets shot. It's his brother. Day looks back at us.

"That's John!" he says. "The boy is John! What was he doing out there, out in the yard?"

None of us say a single word. 

"You didn't take him back," he continues. "You switched us up instead."

Meta Knight speaks up while shaking his head slowly. "We didn't. It was his choice. He wanted to save you."

Day ignores Meta Knight and pushes June's back against the chimney we're nearby. "Tell me what happened. Why did he do it? It should've been me!"

She cries out in pain. "Careful!" I say. "She's injured!" I quickly do my new ability thing to switch over to Doctor. Then I wrap her wound with my bandage.  

"It's not that bad," June lies. "A bullet scrapped me."

Day sees through her bluff. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" I notice they're shivering.

"I don't think so. I'm okay." She looks right at Day. "It... didn't go according to plan. I wanted to get both of you out. I could have done it. But..."

"What happened?"

"There wasn't enough time. So John turned back. He bought us time and he went back to the hall."

"Those fools thought he was you," Meta Knight interrupts. "Even wore your blindfold. They grabbed him and took him to the firing squad yard."

"But the Republic must know by now that they made a mistake," June continues. "While you can."

"But he really can't..." Bandana says.

"Huh? Why's that?" Everyone's attention is on him now.

"Turns out, a portal won't work." Bandana is already focusing his vision on Dedede. "Apparently, according to Nightmare, we still have some dark spirit around. Apparently he's not the only one."

While Bandana Dee says this, I pull out the glasses out of his torn bandana. "This must mean something..."

"I've seen some certain stuff before," Meta Knight says, taking the glasses away. "There's some stuff we need to get before we're able to get back home. Some star and red eye? Don't know."

"Hey," Dedede says, "could we do this in private? I think the lovebirds wanna speak about something else right now." Both Day and June start blushing a bit.

"Sure, why not."

We move further away a bit so the other two can get some privacy.

"Where'd you get this?" Bandana immediately starts.

"Turns out Nightmare had this copy of Commander Jameson," I reply. "Apparently, Nightmare just wanted to do fix something so he'd be respected. He hasn't had lots of friends in his early years, even by the other villians..."

"But why would he want to control this universe out of all places?"

"It's because we might have a strange connection towards this universe. I suspect we've been here before," Dedede answers. "Got it from Magalor."

"So... we have to stay here so we can go home?" Meta Knight asks.

"Yep," I reply. "Who knows how long it'll take- maybe years- but it'll be worth it! We don't really age, and Dream Land will always be the same, people or not."

"Hopefully we're able to do this," Dedede says.

We all nod and return back, finding June and Day kissing. I faint, again, but this time it's short.

"C'mon, Kirby! Not everything is a knockout!" Dedede pokes me with my hammer.

June breaks us up. "Alright, stop it, you two. Nothing to be ashamed of." Day just chuckles and nods. I quickly get up.

"Hey, Day?" Bandana asks. "Now can you explain why you had that name? Please? We at least deserve it for saving ya!"

He gives the most wholesome response ever.
"Well, each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time. You try to walk in the light."

I've done this sort of thing before. If I succeed, I succeed. If I fail, I fail. But, there's always a chance to do it again.

Meta Knight tries to act jealous. "Hmm, that's kind of understandable."

I pat him on the back. "Meta! Stop lying!"

"Okay, I admit, it's a cool meaning."

"So," Bandana asks, "how are we getting to Vegas?"

"Lor is too big and will get us caught, so we'll take it by train." Meta Knight points over to a working train station VERY far away. "Might actually be the fastest thing ever."

"Hey, guys?" I start, shyly. "If we ever get home, there's no way I'm forgetting all of this. Heck, I'll try to replicate a portal just to see Day and June again."

Everyone gives a small giggle, and the rest of us sit down, with our backs on the chimney.

The small voice appears in my head again. "Great Job. Nightmare is proud of you." I smile towards that.

These are my friends, and they'll help me back to Dream Land. No matter what, we're all connected.



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