Chapter 18: Trust Comes at a Price

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A/N: ...We reached 1K....🤭😁🥳!! Thank you guys so much, and sorry for being gone so long. My last day of classes ended Tuesday, and I needed to recuperate from the stress before I started writing. You have no idea how much it means to know that a ton of you have at least clicked and read a chapter of my story. It means something about it drew you in, whether that was the description, it being a Charmed story, but honestly, I hope it was the amazing cover I created cause that cover is bomb! My notifications have been blowing up with people adding my story to their reading lists or comments. Honestly, though, it makes me extremely happy to know my dedicated readers still keep coming back.  Hopefully, I have made this story unique somehow, and that's why you guys have been keeping up with it. Speaking of dedicated readers, I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @liczi12 and @datguynas. Thank you for your comments last chapter, and thank you for continuing to read my story. @liczi12 I have been stressing myself out trying to get this chapter out, but your comment took that pressure off. @Datguynas, thank you for taking the time to congratulate me. That also meant a lot. Okay, I've been rambling, so let's get to the story!

"Before we talk about this...what do you want to call it?" I ask Mason.

"I think a partnership would be a fitting term to describe our relationship." He winks at me. "Though the bondage fetish is getting kind of old, don't you think?" He pulls at the chains.

I roll my eyes. "Before we discuss the terms of our partnership, I need to know if I can trust you."

"Oh, you most definitely can. If I could cross my heart right now, I would."

I raise my eyebrow at him and chuckle. "Yeah, I'm not stupid. Taking a demon at their word would get anyone killed."

"I could say the same about you witches." He rolls his eyes.

I scoff. "Us witches? We're the good guys, remember?"

If looks could kill, I would be six feet under with the glare Mason is giving me. "How many of my brethren have you witches vanquished and claimed it was for the greater good?" He asks.

"And how many innocents or good witches have you demons murdered just because you could?" I sneer.

He scoffs at me and says, "You really believe that all those people you witches claim to be innocent truly are? Everyone has a dark side, and all it takes is the right kind of motivation, and people will do things they thought they never would. Yes, some demons kill just because they can and cause it's fun, but some of those people you go to great lengths to protect come to us first because they want something that comes with a price. When they can't pay it, however, they come running to good witches like you to come and save them. So don't go spouting that demons are just born to be evil bullshit because I can show you that evil comes in many forms than just us."

I'm about to deny that statement when I realize that arguing will not get us to trust each other, and I begrudgingly realize that he is right to some degree. Witches can be evil, just like demons and warlocks. Mortals are complicated as it is.

I sigh and look him in the eyes. "You're right." He seems surprised when I say so. "It's wrong of me to say that all demons are meant to be evil just because they are a demon. Rather, I should say that it's what you choose to do with your power that determines whether someone is good or evil."

He looks at me, wondering if I'm genuinely being sincere or not. I take out the small pouch in my pocket and start sprinkling the dust into a circle.

"Are you about to perform a seance and use me as a sacrifice?" He asks.

I roll my eyes. "No, I'm creating a truth circle."

"A what?"

"A truth circle. If we're going to be partners, then we need to be able to trust each other. This circle will allow us to air out any concerns or worries that we have so we won't feel the need the backstab each other later."

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