Year 1- Infamous Feast

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"But I've been practising since I was practically five!" Jenetta exclaimed.

It was now a couple weeks after Y/n's birthday and the five girls were talking on the way to Herbology class in the greenhouses.

"You heard Snape." Nadine said.

"First years are not permitted to have their own broom. Let alone, join the Quidditch team" Jenetta mocked "its stupid!"

"Its just how it is. First years aren't allowed, and probably never will be" Melissa shrugged.

"What's the reasoning behind that? I bet I'd play better than any of those nitwits on our team! I thought that maybe they'd at least let me tryout, but-" Jenetta ranted.

"You can tryout next year Jen" Melissa cut her off and placed a hand on Jenetta's shoulder.

"I guess... but can we at least go watch tryouts?"

"As long as you don't get to riled up" Nadine said slowly.

"First we have to get through today's classes, though" Y/n added as they approached the greenhouses.

They had Herbology with the Ravenclaws, most of which, were already there.

All of the students entered the Greenhouse and Professor Sprout came bustling in shortly after.

"Good morning class!" She said cheerfully.

"Good morning Professor Sprout." The class said back, in a tone that wasn't quite as cheerful.

"Today will be a theory lesson, so take out your books" Sprout explained.

Some of the class groaned and others seemed quite happy they wouldn't need to deal with any poisonous plants.

Everyone, whether reluctantly, or not, got out their books and flipped to the assigned page.

Professor Sprout spent the lesson talking in depth about how to differentiate two plants which looked almost identical, but one was venomous and the other, completely harmless.

She occasionally asked questions, to which, the braver of the bunch would answer.

Y/n mustered up the courage to answer one. And, to no one but her own surprise, she was correct. Earning Slytherin 5 points.

Once class had finished, the Slytherins broke off from the Ravenclaws to go Defence Against The Dark Arts.

Y/n wasn't paying much attention, due to Jenetta ranting quietly in her ear about Quidditch the whole time.

By the time lunch rolled around, the five girls were already quite tired and bored of lessons. Jenetta was trying to coax Melissa into skipping Transfiguration, Y/n and Nadine had already agreed and Cressida had disappeared after saying she had forgotten one of her books in their dorm.

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